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<br />Roseville City Council Meeting Minutes <br />Special Meeting of February 10, 2007 <br />Page 5 of 10 <br /> <br />allowing for in-depth discussion and study to facilitate decision-making. Council- <br />member Pust questioned if the current Work Session format was the best use of <br />Councilmember time. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing provided his perspective on the historic changes in Work Ses- <br />sions; room arrangement; staff presentations; and his disappointment in how they <br />had evolved. Mayor Klausing had anticipated Work Sessions with lin1ited iten1s, <br />with more policy nuance (i.e., Metropolitan Council housing directives) allowing a <br />broader framework to analyze issues to allow making specific policy decisions. <br /> <br />Councilmember Roe shared the concerns expressed by Councilmember Pust re- <br />garding the limited discussion time allowed using current Work Session format; <br />and suggested an annual work plan or long-term agenda for Work Sessions, recog- <br />nizing the limited number available each year and the limited number of topics fit- <br />ting into that limited time frame. Councilmelnber Roe suggested setting a tentative <br />draft at the beginning of the year to allow the Council to manage their time better <br />rather than using the time for happenstance issues. <br /> <br />Discussion included how to introduce new items competing with current items; and <br />how Councilmembers could justify new items in conjunction with existing items in <br />managing agendas. <br /> <br />City Manager Malinen suggested that while he's still analyzing the flow and proc- <br />ess of City Council work in Roseville as an alternative Councilmembers use the <br />Work Sessions to provide a review of each upcoming item coming before them for <br />action at the next business meeting. Mr. Malinen noted that this would allow that <br />each item would come before the Council at least one time before requested action, <br />including consent items where applicable, in a less formal setting and provide a <br />discussion time with no anticipated vote. Mr. Malinen noted that the challenge <br />was not enough Work Sessions scheduled to accomplish that review and recom- <br />mended increasing meetings to business meetings every other week with Work <br />Sessions scheduled between those business meetings; thus adding one additional <br />meeting per month and allowing more lead time for supplemental questions and/or <br />information and delivery. Mr. Malinen noted that this would also allow staff to be <br />more responsive to Councilmember questions and would hopefully reduce overall <br />hours needed for the Council to meet for regular business meetings. <br /> <br />Councilmember Pust was receptive to that format, noting that the meetings would <br />need to remain on Monday evenings to facilitate her other scheduling require- <br />