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<br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, February 12, 2007 <br />Page 14 of 30 <br /> <br />plication, and asked that it become a part of the record for tonight's Ineeting. <br />Copies were processed by staff, provided as a bench handout. <br /> <br />Mr. LeTendre provided his calculations on the dimensions noting that to- <br />night's application is a modification of the one considered at the Council <br />meeting on October 9, 2006, that had contained a driveway easement to <br />benefit the existing home but inadvertently burdened the newly-proposed <br />lot. <br /> <br />Mr. LeTendre noted lot line issues addressed in the staff report dated Febnl- <br />ary 12,2007; and provided his interpretation of City Code 1003.06F re- <br />quirements for side lot lines that "shall be substantially at right angles or ra- <br />dial to the street line." Mr. LeTendre addressed what "substantially" Ineant <br />as it related to the application before the City Council and the westerly lot <br />line at right angles to W oodlyn Avenue, with the easterly lot line not entirely <br />at right angles to W ood1yn Avenue. <br /> <br />Mr. Stark noted as an aside to future applicants that the verbal scale and <br />geographical scale may not provide similar or accurate information and pro- <br />ceeded to provide interpretation and accurate to-scale data for Council re- <br />view and consideration. <br /> <br />Discussion included revisions from this application from the previous appli- <br />cation based on the movement of the driveway location; desire of the appli- <br />cant to meet City Code requirements; staff s desire for additional review <br />time during the meeting to correctly scale the proposed lot lines; and City <br />Attorney Anderson's rationale for interpretation of ordinance or statute lan- <br />guage intent, based on the entire document, definitions for rules of statutory <br />construction on the defined meaning of undefined words, and interpretations <br />of the word, "substantially" and "radial" by the applicant and the City. <br /> <br />Mr. LeTendre opined that the City had set precedent with a previous and <br />similar approval at 2161 W County Road B (Forman property). <br /> <br />At this point Mr. Stark returned with his to-scale renderings of the angles for <br />the property for Council review and consideration. <br /> <br />Public Comment <br />Kristine Simonson and Stewart Roberts, 3061 Rice Street <br />