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<br />FINDING OF FACT DENYING MINOR SUBDIVISION <br />OF 156 WOODL YNN AVENUE (PF 3796) <br /> <br />1. City Code provision Section 11 04.04E requires that any proposed parcels in a minor <br />subdivision not cause any portion of the existing lots, parcels, or existing buildings to be in <br />violation of this regulation or the zoning code. <br /> <br />2. Section 1103.06F of the city code states that sidelines of lots shall be "substantially at right <br />angles or radial to the street line." <br /> <br />3. The proposed subdivision does not meet the requirements of Section 1103. 06F in that one of <br />the sidelines of the proposed lot is not at substantially right angles or radial to the street line. <br /> <br />4. The city of Roseville has as adopted an interin1 ordinance that effectively places a <br />moratorium on single-family residential lot splits. One of the purposes of the interim <br />ordinance is to conduct a study regarding the appropriate size and shape of allowable <br />subdivided lots, and to determine the impact of subdivision and the shapes and size of newly <br />subdivided lots on the character of existing neighborhoods. In light of these purposes, <br />approving the purposed subdivision's irregular lot shape, and resulting lots smaller than those <br />within the immediate adjacent vicinity, would be inconsistent with the purpose of the interim <br />ordinance, and may adversely impact public health, safety, and welfare. <br />