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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights Commission
Agendas and Packets
2012 Agendas and packets
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Committee may opt to support, sponsor, and/or promote programs and events per <br />Program Planning Parameters (Addendum A). <br />Membership of the Program Planning Committee consists of volunteer Commissioners <br />appointed by the Commission Chair. Committee will then elect its own Standing <br />Committee Chair or designate a lead to represent them to the Commission. <br />B. Special Committees & Advisory Groups: From time to time, the Commission or a Standing <br />Committee may establish various ad hoc committees or task forces whose purpose will be to <br />advise the Commission and or Committee on policy and programs, and to assist the Commission <br />in achieving its goals and objectives. <br />Article 7, Commission Officers <br />A. The officers of the Commission shall be a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Standing Committee <br />Chairs. The duties and responsibilities of officers are as follows: <br />a. Chair: The Commission Chair shall convene and preside at all regular meetings of the <br />Commission; shall oversee the implementation of the long tertn goals and objectives of <br />the Commission; shall be the official spokesperson for the commission, to include <br />reporting to the City Council concerning actions of the Commission; shall sign <br />documents pertaining to the business of the Commission; shall prepare all Commission <br />meeting agendas in consultation with Operations Committee; meeting packets will be <br />limited to agenda items as set by the Chair; shall either Chair the Operations Committee <br />ar delegate this duty to another Committee volunteer; shall appoint volunteer members of <br />all Standing and Special Committees; shall perform other duties as necessary for the <br />execution of the Commissions goals and objectives. <br />b. Vice-Chair: The Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair and be vested with all powers of, and <br />perform the duties of the Chair in the Chairs absence or inability to act; may act as a <br />parliamentarian during meetings; shall chair committees on special subjects as designated <br />by the Chair; shall attend various meetings as requested by the Chair; shall perform other <br />duties as requested to support the Commission's goals and objectives <br />c. Standing Committee Chairs: Standing Committee Chairs will be elected by Committees. <br />Committee Chairs shall preside over the Committees that have been authorized and <br />established by the Commission, and convene meetings as needed in consultation with <br />other committee members to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Commission. <br />Chairs shall provide reports to the Commission at regular meetings. The Chair of <br />Program Planning and the Chair of Outreach & Diversity shall serve on the Operations <br />Committee. <br />
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