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Attachment C <br />SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT <br />1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5Agreement on the latest date of the signatures set forth below. Pikovsky and PIK shall <br />6 <br />7 <br />8 WHEREAS, the City sought to obtain fee title for road construction purposes on <br />9 <br />10 <br />11 WHEREAS, the City and the Owners could not agree on compensation for the <br />12Property to be acquired; and <br />13 <br />14 WHEREAS, the City commenced an eminent domain action against the Owners, <br />15as well as other Respondents, in order to obtain the Property, and said action is Court File <br />16No. 62-CV-09-5151, which is captioned as City of Roseville v. XTRA Lease, Inc., et al.; <br />17and <br />18 <br />19 WHEREAS, the City and the Owners wish to settle all claims between them in <br />20order to avoid further costly litigation; and <br />21 <br />22 WHEREAS, as part of the settlement of this matter, the City and the Owners wish <br />23to provide for th <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, <br />28thesufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by all parties, the City and the Owners <br />29agree as follows: <br />30 <br />31 1. The legal description of the land acquired by the City by eminent domain <br />32 July 30, <br />332009 Order in the above-referenced matter, is: <br />34 <br />35That part of the following described tract of land in the City of Roseville: <br />36 <br />37(Parcel 3) <br />38Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block D, Twin View, according to the recorded plat thereof, <br />39Ramsey County, Minnesota. <br />40 <br />41Which lies within the following fee acquisition areas: <br />42 <br />43The west 10.00 feet of (Parcel 3). <br />1 <br /> <br />