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Attachment C <br />129Property upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Assessment Agreement, which is <br />130attached hereto as Exhibit A. <br />131 <br />132 7. <br />133Property containing the Buildings and have the right, title, and capacity to grant the right <br />134to demolish the Buildings. The Owners further warrant that no party, other than Ramsey <br />135County, holds any interest in the property containing the Buildings. <br />136 <br />137 8. The City shall not be obligated to undertake the demolition of the Buildings <br />138until the Owners are in good standing with respect to the property taxes, existing <br />139assessments, and utility bills related to the Property. <br />140 <br />1419. The City and the Owners, and their respective officers, agents and assigns, <br />142hereby release each other from any and all claims arising out of or related to the <br />143condemnation of the Property. <br />144 <br />145 10. The City and the Owners agree to execute a Stipulation of Dismissal with <br />146Prejudice and without costs to any party, and to use their best efforts to obtain signatures <br />147from all other Respondents having an interest in Parcels 3, 4, and 5 who are not party to <br />148this Settlement Agreement. Said Stipulation shall be filed with the Court, and the City <br />149shall file any and all other documents necessary to dismiss the pending eminent domain <br />150action and to revoke any recorded Notice of Lis Pendens. <br />151 <br />152 11. The City and the Owners acknowledge that there are no covenants, <br />153promises, representations or undertakings outside of this Settlement Agreement, except <br />154for the attached Assessment Agreement. <br />155 <br />156 12. To the extent permitted by Minnesota law, the City hereby indemnifies, and <br />157shall protect and hold the Owners harmless from and against all liabilities, losses, claims, <br />158demands, costs, expenses, and judgments of any nature arising, or alleged to arise from or <br />159in connection with this Agreement or the attached Assessment Agreement. <br />160 <br />161 13. In the event of litigation between the parties related to this Agreement or its <br />162breach, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover from the other party, in addition to <br />163 <br />164costs incurred as may be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction. <br />165 <br />16614.ThisSettlement Agreement, and the attached Assessment Agreement, <br />167constitute the entire agreement reached between the parties. This Settlement Agreement <br />168shall be construed and interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota. <br />169 <br />170 15. By signing this Settlement Agreement, each signatory warrants that he or <br />171she has authority to sign this agreement, and they acknowledge that they have read the <br />4 <br /> <br />