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REQUEST FFOR COUUNCIL ACCTION <br />Daate: June 18, 2012 <br />Iteem No.: <br />12.c <br />Depaartment ApprrovalCitty Manager AApproval <br />Item Description: Review of Bids For Firre Station Biid Package ##2, Request Rejection annd Seek <br />RebidApproval Foor Three Conntracts Withhin Bid Packkage #2. <br />B <br />ACGROUND <br />KK <br />2 <br />TheCCity approveed the Fire DDepartment to seek comppetitive bidsfor the fire sstation consttruction <br />4 <br />bid package #2 on April 23, 22012. Bid paackage #2 coonsisted of thhe followingg items: <br />5 <br />5 <br />0331 Castt-In-PlaceCConcrete Slabbs <br />6 <br />0340 Struuctural Precaast Concrete <br />7 <br />0420 Massonry/Archittectural Preccast <br />8 <br />0510 Struuctural Steel – Erection <br />9 <br />0512 Struuctural Steel – Supply <br />10 <br />0610 Carppentry/Accessories <br />11 <br />0750 Rooofing/SheetMMetal/Wall PPanels <br />12 <br />0810 Mettal Doors/Fraames/Wood Doors <br />13 <br />0833 Coilling Doors/SSectional Dooors <br />14 <br />0840 Alumminum Entrances/Windoows/Glazingg <br />15 <br />0920 Drywall <br />16 <br />0930 Tilee <br />17 <br />0950 Acooustical Ceiliings <br />18 <br />0965 Resiilient Floorinng/Carpet <br />19 <br />0990 Painnting <br />20 <br />1230 MannufacturedCCasework <br />21 <br />1420 Elevvators <br />22 <br />2100 Firee Protection <br />23 <br />2200 Plummbing/Heating Piping <br />24 <br />2300 HVAAC/Air Disttribution <br />25 <br />2305 Testting & Balanncing <br />26 <br />2500 Temmperature Coontrols <br />27 <br />2600 Elecctrical/Commmunication/SSecurity/Tecchnology <br />28 <br />3200 Landscaping <br />29 <br />30 <br />Litigaation impactts: <br />31 <br />OnMMay 23, 20122 the City recceived noticce from the SState Supremme Court of aa petition forr review <br />32 <br />PPage 1 of 5 <br /> <br />