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2003 Approved Budget
2003 Approved Budget
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Letter of Transmittal <br />December 17, 2002 <br />To the M ay or and C i ty C o unc 11, <br />Enclosed is the 003 City Budget, as prepared by City. Staff and approved by the City Council. <br />The 2003 Bridget culminates a years worth of planning. evaluation, and citizen input for all c1tv <br />en"iees and programs. Great effort has been taken to ensure that all city services are funded in a <br />manner that maintains the cent level of service. Ire addition, steps have been taken to account <br />fo r the chan gi ng trends and i mpacts that wl I I affe c t both next ye ar's and future year ~ b ud et s. <br />The Budget also focuses on the six high- priority objectives the City Council identified at <br />their goal - setting sessions held earlier this year. These City Council objectives, in no particular <br />order of importance, are: <br />zi Decide what to propose for a community center, and bring it to the citizens f d r a vote. <br />• Resolve the public safety function, structure, and faeil iti. <br />• Complete the planning process for the Arona site, and facilitate co n tru ti n. <br />zi Address the unique service issues and housing needs of our aging population. <br />zi Define how the City can/wants to achieve developing affordable housing. <br />❑ Revise the City's special assessment policies. <br />A number of existing c it vid poli*cies have been incorporated into our budget work and along <br />with the items noted above, provided the frarnework of the final budget. A su=ary of these <br />policies is included in Appendix A. <br />The following o in g vcrvi <br />f v provides a summary of the final 2003 Budget for all City programs and <br />services. The information is presented in ft a sections. <br />Section 1— Executive Summary features a summary of the final budget, fundi g sources, <br />tax levy and tax impact. This section also includes a list of elected and appointment officials, <br />orgamzational ch a schedule f positions, and the most recent D i tingui shed Budget <br />Presentation Award presented to the City of Roseviffle. <br />Section — Program Budgets Includes a summary of each ity program or department <br />including go al and objectives., pn or year accomplishments, and budget impact items. In <br />addition, this section provides a fiscal summary of major revenues and expenditures y fund for <br />the prior and current years, along with next year's budget. <br />Section 3 — Strategic Plan presents information regarding the ity' -year Capital <br />Improvement Plan IP), and Debt Management P 1 an which play an integral part in the Cityxs <br />long-term financial planning as well as the new budget. <br />
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