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City of Roseville — 2006 Budget <br />Discussion Items <br />From 2002 -2006, overall funding sources for the City's governmental fund operations remained fairly <br />stable with a few exceptions. <br />The City's tax levy increased substantially in 2002, to offset the loss in homestead credit state -aid. This <br />was an intended effect resulting from the State Legislature's decision to remove the homestead credit <br />reimbursement to help finance the State's takeover of the general education (per pupil) funding. In <br />2004, the tax levy was increased to accommodate new debt service on voter - approved bonds issued the <br />previous year. The City's reliance on property taxes has increased in recent years as a result of lost <br />state -aid and stagnant non -tax revenues. Beyond 2006, it is expected that the City's tax levy will need to <br />increase at levels that are slightly higher than expected inflation. This will be necessary to offset new <br />obligations that will come on -line in the future and to replace non - recurring revenues that were used to <br />provide for 2006 operations. <br />After several years of decline, special assessments are expected to level off in 2006. Beginning in the <br />mid 80's, the City embarked on a comprehensive street replacement program which resulted in a <br />substantial amount of new assessment activity. These assessments have largely been paid off resulting <br />in lower assessment revenues for 2006 and beyond. Over the next 10 years, it is anticipated that <br />assessment revenue will remain relatively unchanged. <br />Interest earnings are also expected to remain fairly unchanged from '04 actual levels. While the <br />economy continues to be relatively strong in many regards, long -term interest rates remain far below <br />what was realized in previous years. However, most economic forecasts suggest that while long -term <br />interest rates have remained low, they are not expected to decline further. As a result, the City does not <br />expect significant changes in investment income for 2006. <br />The City does expect fairly strong increases in licenses and permit revenues in '06 and beyond. <br />Building permit revenue is expected to increase as several major redevelopment projects get underway. <br />These projects are expected to occur at a fairly even pace over the next five years. In addition, the <br />City's License Center operation continues to see strong growth in multiple service areas including <br />passports and auto dealer licensing. <br />From 2002 -2006, the City continued to emphasize its core functions of public safety and public works. <br />In 2006, a substantial investment will be made in police and fire information and communication <br />systems including a new records management system and conversion to the 800mhz radio system. <br />Higher dispatching costs are also expected to be realized in 2006. <br />The public works area is realizing higher operating costs due to higher energy costs and service input <br />costs such as fuel. In addition, added pedestrian safety measures will require additional funds in 2006. <br />It is expected that these higher costs will continue in future budget years in order to maintain service <br />levels. <br />The City's special purpose operations account for a variety of stand -alone functions including the City's <br />License Center and Information Technology Support areas. As noted above, the License Center <br />continues to experience steady growth. Likewise, the IT area has seen substantial growth in recent years <br />as the City has not only emphasized greater investment in IT for its own needs, but it also provides IT <br />support services for 16 area municipalities and other governmental agencies. The City expects these IT <br />partnerships to continue growing in future budget years. <br />16 <br />