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City of Roseville — 2006 Budget <br />These budgetary impacts will affect multiple programs and services citywide. <br />Throughout the past year, the City Council held numerous discussions on the 2006 budget, during which <br />they identified their spending plan and appropriate level of taxation. On December 19, 2005 the City <br />Council adopted the 2006 Budget which included the following general principles: <br />1) The 2006 Budget would be financed by a maximum property tax levy increase of 5% from the <br />previous year <br />2) The 2006 Budget for general fund programs would be partially funded through the use of <br />$128,000 in city reserves <br />3) The 2006 Budget will require the delay of some capital replacements in favor of other program <br />service inputs <br />The following budget document summarizes the 2006 Budget for all City programs and services. The <br />information is presented in three sections. <br />Section 1 — Executive Summary features a summary of the budget, funding sources, tax levy and tax <br />impact, and a summary of financial trends. This section also denotes programs and services that will <br />continue to be maintained at the current level of service, along with a few programs that given the City's <br />financial challenges, will receive less emphasis. The purpose of this section is to provide a broad <br />overview of city operations as a whole. <br />Section 2 — Program Budgets Includes a summary of each major city program or department including; <br />goals and objectives, prior year accomplishments, and budget impact items. The purpose of this section <br />is to provide a quick overview of the individual programs and services being provided by the City. <br />Section 3 — Strategic Plan presents information regarding the Debt Management Plan, the City's 5 -year <br />Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), and a 5 -Year Financial Plan which play an integral part in the City's <br />long -term financial planning as well as next year's budget. <br />The appendices include a number of supporting documentation that is designed to provide the reader a <br />greater understanding of the role the budget takes in the City's operations, along with some <br />supplemental demographic and statistical information. <br />The remaining portions of this budget document provide greater detail on the funding sources and uses. <br />We sincerely hope that all interested parties will find this document useful in evaluating the City's <br />programs and services. Supplemental information can be obtained from the City's Finance Department. <br />2 <br />