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City of Roseville — 2007 Budget <br />Letter of Transmittal <br />December 18, 2006 <br />To the Mayor and City Council, <br />Enclosed is the 2007 City Budget as prepared by City Staff, in accordance with City Council actions. <br />The 2007 Budget culminates nearly a year's worth of planning, evaluation, and input from the City <br />Council, advisory commissions, and citizens. Great effort has been taken to ensure that the City's core <br />services are funded in a manner that preserves the greatest value to the community. In addition, steps <br />have been taken to account for the changing trends and impacts that will affect both next year's and <br />future year's budgets. <br />To the greatest extent possible, new technologies and efficiencies have been incorporated into our <br />service delivery process. However, several challenges remain that will have a significant impact on the <br />2007 Budget. <br />First, in 2006, the City relied on the use of $128,000 of reserves to plug the budget gap. It is recognized <br />that use of reserves is not sustainable. In a recent study is was noted that our reserve levels in our key <br />operating funds, especially the General Fund, have dropped below both industry- recommended levels, <br />as well as our own Cash Reserve Policy. In addition, many of the City's largest service inputs - such as <br />fuel and energy related costs are outpacing inflation. Finally, based on national and local measures, as <br />well as collective bargaining contracts that have already been settled, we are forecasting a need for a <br />COLA of 3% or more. Eliminating the use of reserves for operating budgets and addressing costs that <br />are outpacing inflation has placed added pressure on the 2007 Budget. <br />The 2007 Budget also attempts to begin positioning the City to incorporate the goals and strategies that <br />were identified in the recently completed Imagine Roseville 2025 visioning process. This 6 -month <br />process resulted in the citizen recommendation of the following goals: <br />1) Roseville is a welcoming community that appreciates differences and fosters diversity <br />2) Roseville is a desirable place to live, work, and play <br />3) Roseville has a strong and inclusive sense of community <br />4) Roseville residents are invested in their community <br />5) Roseville is a safe community <br />6) Roseville housing meets community needs <br />7) Roseville is an environmentally healthy community <br />8) Roseville has world- renowned parks, open space, and multi - generational recreation programs <br />and facilities <br />9) Roseville supports the health and wellness of community members <br />10) Roseville supports high quality, lifelong learning <br />11) Roseville has a comprehensive, safe, efficient, and reliable transportation system <br />12) Roseville has well- maintained, efficient, and cost - effective public infrastructure <br />13) Roseville has technology that gives us a competitive advantage <br />14) Roseville has a growing, diverse, and stable revenue base <br />15) Roseville responsibly funds programs, services, and infrastructure to meet long -term needs <br />1 <br />