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Revenue Policy <br />Purpose <br />City of Roseville — 2008 Budget <br />❑ To provide a diversified and strong set of revenues to ensure a stable revenue system for City <br />programs and services <br />❑ To match revenues with similar uses to ensure adequate funding for the various City services <br />and programs over the long -term <br />Polic <br />❑ The City will try to maintain a diversified and stable revenue system and to shelter it from short <br />run fluctuations in any one revenue source <br />❑ Absent any outside legal restrictions, all Federal, State, County, or other governmental financial <br />aids, should be formally designated, by resolution, towards a specific program or service. <br />General purpose aids shall only be used for capital or non - recurring expenditures and not for <br />on -going operations. <br />❑ Each year the City will recalculate the full costs of activities supported by user fees, to identify <br />the impact of inflation and other cost increases, and will set those fees as appropriate. Fees will <br />be established and adopted annually on the Fee Schedule. <br />❑ The City will set fees and user charges for each enterprise fund, such as water and sewer, at a <br />level that fully supports the total direct and indirect cost of the activity. Indirect costs include <br />the cost of annual straight life depreciation of capital assets and each fund's share of the <br />administrative and general government costs incurred by the general operating fund <br />❑ Absent public policy reasons to the contrary, the City will set fees and user charges for non - <br />enterprise funds, at a level that fully supports the total direct and indirect cost of the activity. <br />Indirect costs include the cost of annual straight life depreciation of capital assets <br />Implementation <br />The Budget accurately allocates the revenues and expenditures of City programs and services. <br />118 <br />