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City of Roseville — 2010 Budget <br />Division /Program: Recreation Administration <br />Organizational Responsibility: Director of Parrs and Recreation <br />Division / Program Description <br />Recreation Administration plans and administers a quality parks and recreation program based on the <br />needs of the community and within the allocated resources. The Program's activities are accounted for <br />in the Recreation Fund. <br />2010 Goals and Objectives <br />• Maintain current community partners and secure new community partners <br />• Support Master Plan Update and implementation <br />• Finalize Recreation and Maintenance Division reorganizations <br />• Align department services and programs with City priorities using performance measurement <br />• Implement Emerald Ash Borer EAB Grant <br />• To seek outside, non - traditional funding sources <br />• Develop a department training and succession program <br />Budget Category <br />2007 <br />Actual <br />2008 <br />Actual <br />2009 <br />Budget <br />2010 <br />Budget <br />$Increase <br />(decrease) <br />% Incr. <br />(decr.) <br />Personnel Services <br />$5879251 <br />$ <br />$6689000 <br />$ <br />$099105) <br />(2.9)% <br />Supplies &Materials <br />79027 <br />69948 <br />79100 <br />79100 <br />- <br />0.0% <br />Other Services &Charges <br />739593 <br />819766 <br />1949000 <br />94,000 <br />(100,000) <br />(51.5)% <br />Capital Outlay <br />- <br />- <br />- <br />- <br />- <br />0.0% <br />Total <br />$6679871 <br />$ <br />$ 8699100 <br />$7499995 <br />$ <br />(13.7) % <br />Human Resource Allocation <br />2007 <br />Actual <br />2008 <br />Actual <br />2009 <br />Budget <br />2010 <br />Budget <br />Full -Time Equivalent Positions <br />7.50 <br />7.50 <br />7.50 <br />7.50 <br />2010 Budget Impact Items <br />• `Other services & charges' in 2009 included a one -time appropriation for the update of a Park <br />Master Plan <br />2008/2009 Achievements <br />• Successfully completed 15 year accreditation review with 100% compliance. <br />• Reorganized Recreation and Maintenance Staff Responsibilities resulting in $70,000 savings (loss of 1.25 <br />FTE) <br />• Secured $10,000 grant from Xcel Energy Foundation for environmental education at HANC <br />• Successfully managed $8,000 public art project at the Frank Rog Amphitheatre <br />• Regularly utilized industry webinars to gain efficiency and knowledge to maximize usage of ActiveNet <br />database system <br />62 <br />