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City of Roseville — 2010 Budget <br />Division /Program: Activity Center <br />Organizational Responsibility: Parks &Recreation Director <br />Division / Program Description <br />This division leases limited storage space and a dance studio at Fairview Community Center, provides <br />temporary staff for evening and weekend open hours at City Hall Campus and includes payment to <br />Roseville School District to satisfy contractual arrangement for maintenance and upkeep at Brimhall, <br />Central Park Community Gymnasiums and the Gymnastic Center <br />2010 Goals and Objectives <br />• To retain the storage and dance studio space for 2009 and beyond <br />• To continue to cooperate and coordinate with the Roseville School District per agreement in the <br />provision of Central Park and Brimhall Community Gymnasiums and the Roseville Gymnastic <br />Center <br />• To provide safe and adequate supervision at the City Hall Campus to open up facilities for <br />community use as much as possible <br />Budget Category <br />2007 <br />Actual <br />2008 <br />Actual <br />2009 <br />Budget <br />2010 <br />Budget <br />$Increase <br />(decrease) <br />% Incr. <br />(decr.) <br />Personnel Services <br />$ 139484 <br />$ 199296 <br />$ 159900 <br />$159900 <br />$ - <br />0.0% <br />Supplies &Materials <br />- <br />- <br />- <br />_ <br />- <br />0.0% <br />Other Services &Charges <br />749032 <br />789316 <br />949100 <br />94,100 <br />- <br />0.0% <br />Capital Outlay <br />- <br />- <br />- <br />_ <br />- <br />0.0% <br />Total <br />$879516 <br />$ <br />$ 1109000 <br />$1109000 <br />$ - <br />0.0% <br />Human Resource Allocation <br />2007 <br />Actual <br />2008 <br />Actual <br />2009 <br />Budget <br />2010 <br />Budget <br />Full -Time Equivalent Positions <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />2010 Budget Impact Items <br />• Not applicable <br />2008/2009 Achievements <br />• Provision of storage space for Parks and Recreation and affiliated groups and studio space for the <br />Roseville School of Dance. <br />• Provision of two community gymnasiums and one gymnastic center in cooperation with the <br />Roseville School District per agreement <br />• Exceptional space availability for affiliated groups to offer community programs <br />67 <br />