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City of Roseville — 2012 Budget <br />Capital Replacement Policy <br />Purpose <br />The Roseville City Council has set in place a stable funding mechanism for much of the city's <br />infrastructure. The intent of the Council in having Replacement Policies is to provide for easing the <br />burden on both present and future taxpayers and to assure the replacement of the city's infrastructure in a <br />manner that is both fiscally and operationally prudent. <br />The primary purpose of this policy is to have specific resources set aside on a periodic basis, to create <br />funding for the major equipment and infrastructure needs of the community, without encountering major <br />tax increases for maintenance and replacement. <br />It is not the intent of the City Council to fund major new facilities, which have not had the original <br />funding established either through tax increment, general taxes or other such sources. The replacement <br />funds are expected to be only for replacement purposes. (See the Implementation section below) <br />Polic <br />❑ The City will establish departmental Vehicle Replacement Funds. The City will appropriate <br />monies to them annually to provide for timely replacement of vehicles. The amount will be <br />maintained at an amount equal to the accumulated depreciation including annual fund interest <br />earnings to provide for vehicle replacement <br />❑ The City will establish a General Plant Replacement Fund to provide for non - vehicular <br />equipment replacement; i.e., mowers, tools, etc. Funding should equal the amount of <br />accumulated depreciation recorded on all general governmental equipment including annual <br />fund interest earnings <br />❑ The City will establish a Building Replacement Fund, and will appropriate funds to it annually <br />to provide for timely maintenance of all buildings and plants supported by general <br />governmental funding. Maintenance includes major items such as roof repair and HVAC <br />replacement. <br />❑ The City shall establish a Street Infrastructure Replacement Fund to provide for the general <br />replacement of streets and related infrastructure throughout the community. The funding <br />should equal the amount of accumulated depreciation recorded on all general governmental <br />streets and related structures including annual fund interest earnings. The annual MSA capital <br />allocation, will be included as part of the source of funds for computing the adequacy of this <br />fund. This Fund has been formally categorized by the Council as a permanent fund, whereby <br />only the interest proceeds are used each year for the stated purpose. The original principal <br />amount remains intact <br />❑ The City shall establish a Park Improvement Fund to provide for the general replacement of <br />parks and related infrastructure throughout the community. The funding should equal the <br />amount of accumulated depreciation recorded on all park system assets. <br />105 <br />