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City of Roseville — 2012 Budget <br />Funding for the CIP is expected to come from numerous sources depending on the asset type. The <br />largest expected funding source for the CIP is property taxes, which represents 38% of the total amount <br />needed. The property tax burden can be lessened if alternative funding sources are secured. <br />The following chart depicts the funding sources for the City's 20 -year CIP. <br />2012 -2031 CIP Funding Sources <br />The CIP identifies a number of major capital items that are expected to be needed over the next 20 years <br />to sustain current service levels. They include: <br />❖ $65 million in park system improvements. <br />❖ $65 million in water and sewer infrastructure. <br />❖ $64 million in streets and pathways. <br />❖ $38 million in vehicles and equipment. <br />❖ $14 million in general facilities improvements. <br />Greater detail on these projects can be found in the full version of the Capital Improvement Plan. <br />.l <br />