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CITY OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA <br />RECREATION FUND <br />STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND <br />CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL <br />For the Year Ended December 31, 2002 <br />The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement, <br />34 <br />Variance with <br />Budget <br />Final Budget <br />Positive <br />Original <br />Final <br />Actual <br />(Negative) <br />REVENUES <br />General property taxes <br />$ 1,141,391 <br />$ 1,141,391 <br />$ 11006,764 <br />$ (1349627) <br />Intergovernmental Revenue <br />0 <br />0 <br />895644 <br />89,644 <br />Charges for services <br />197051143 <br />1 7705,143 <br />1134761809 <br />(228,334) <br />Rentals <br />0 <br />0 <br />309301 <br />30,301 <br />Donations <br />0 <br />0 <br />21,956 <br />215956 <br />Investment income <br />0 <br />0 <br />59485 <br />59485 <br />Miscellaneous <br />0 <br />0 <br />755401 <br />755401 <br />Total revenues <br />2,8461534 <br />218469534 <br />2,706,359 <br />(140,175) <br />EXPENDITURES <br />Personal services <br />11)8149470 <br />1011470 <br />199001)699 <br />(395229) <br />Supplies & materials <br />2119880 <br />2119880 <br />2441013 <br />(323133) <br />Other services & charges <br />852,310 <br />852,310 <br />9127057 <br />(599747) <br />Capital outlay <br />525270 <br />529270 <br />449419 <br />7,851 <br />Total expenditures <br />21930,930 <br />2,9779930 <br />311011188 <br />(123,258) <br />Excess of revenues over <br />(under) expenditures <br />(84,396) <br />(1319396) <br />(3945828) <br />(2639432) <br />OTHER FINANCING SOURCES <br />Transfers in <br />84,396 <br />1239378 <br />123,378 <br />(0) <br />Total other financing sources <br />849396 <br />123,378 <br />1231378 <br />(0 <br />Excess of revenues and other <br />sources (under) <br />expenditures <br />0 <br />(81018) <br />(271,450) <br />(263,432) <br />Fund balances - beginning <br />(8689015) <br />(8689015) <br />(8681015 <br />0 <br />Fund balances - ending <br />$ (868,015) <br />$ (8769033) <br />$ (1,139,465) <br />$ (2635432) <br />The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement, <br />34 <br />