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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,May 21,2012 <br /> Page 23 <br /> Infrastructure Cost Allocation <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned why Wal-Mart was only paying $400,000 <br /> for I-35W ramp improvements that are estimated to cost approximately $1.6 <br /> million; and why it appears that the City is subsidizing the Wal-Mart Corpora- <br /> tion with $10 million of completed infrastructure. Councilmember McGehee <br /> further questioned traffic projects; triggers for additional improvements and var- <br /> ious interpretations by MnDOT and other traffic engineers; and questioned the <br /> accuracy of models and projected calculations. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that Wal-Mart's cost allocation had been determined, <br /> through significant analysis of various components and expert consultation, at <br /> twenty-five percent (25%) of the total interchange costs. Mr. Trudgeon noted <br /> that this was not a small, but rather significant, investment on their part, espe- <br /> cially when drawing a nexus to this specific development and other occurrences <br /> that may make the interchange inadequate. Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff had <br /> performed substantial due diligence and negotiations with Wal-Mart to reach <br /> this agreed-upon $400,000 amount, and staff was unable to justify any addition- <br /> al cost to this developer above that amount. Mr. Trudgeon noted that this figure <br /> represented more to the City than a typical assessment from the Chapter 429 <br /> process. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that there would be additional traffic impacts <br /> and mitigation that the citizens of Roseville would be required to pay; and fur- <br /> ther opined that citizens have already done their share. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that there were also other options available to the City for <br /> reimbursement of costs from other future property owners and/or developers, as <br /> well as the Chapter 429 assessment process. <br /> Park Dedication <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned the rationale for accepting $411,115 in <br /> park dedication fees as opposed to land owned by Roseville Properties along <br /> County Road C and targeted for an addition to Langton Lake Park, including the <br /> Oak Forest identified in the 2002 Natural Resources Plan. Councilmember <br /> McGehee opined that this agreement not only precluded the City obtaining the <br /> land,but also not getting added protection to a portion of Langton Lake. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that the Twin Lakes Regulating Plan identified that area <br /> for an addition to Langton Lake Park, the decision as to whether to acquire the <br /> property or a fee in lieu of had been the decision of the Parks and Recreation <br /> Commission after their deliberation of the issue. While not attempting to speak <br /> for the Commission, Mr. Trudgeon surmised that the Commission apparently <br /> had determined that taking the fee instead of the land, was based on their ability <br /> in the future to improve parks with dollars versus land. Mr. Trudgeon noted <br />