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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 11,2012 <br /> Page 3 <br /> On behalf of the community, Mayor Roe recognized and congratulated Gabriel <br /> Cederberg, his family, and teachers Barbara Grengs and Lucas Ebert of <br /> Parkview Elementary School, for Gabriel's outstanding accomplishment as first <br /> place winner of the 2012 annual state-wide Human Rights Essay Contest. <br /> At the invitation of Mayor Roe, Gabriel thanked Ms. Grengs, his seventh grade <br /> teacher for her assistance with the format of his essay; and fellow soccer players <br /> on the soccer team who encouraged him to write the essay; and expressed his <br /> pride in representing the City of Roseville at the state level. <br /> City Manager Malinen, as detailed in the Request for Council Action (RCA) <br /> dated June 11, 2012, noted that of the eleven (11) statewide essay contest held <br /> to-date, a Roseville student had taken first place in eight (8) of those annual <br /> contests. City Manager Malinen opined that this reflected the City's quality of <br /> education achieved by its school districts; and on behalf of the community, ex- <br /> pressed pride in that quality of education. <br /> 6. Approve Minutes <br /> a. Approve Minutes of May 21, 2012 Meeting <br /> Mayor Roe noted that he had several additional corrections for the amended <br /> version of the meeting minutes. <br /> Councilmember Willmus questioned several revisions made by Councilmember <br /> McGehee from his recollection of the meeting discussion, as well as his review <br /> of the replay of the meeting, questioning where that additional information <br /> came from. Specific areas he was unable to confirm from the replay included: <br /> • Page 14, line 42 and page 15, line 3 <br /> • Page 17, lines 40-43 (amended copy, lines 32-36) <br /> • <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted that these meeting minutes, upon adoption, rep- <br /> resented a reflection of the actual meeting; and sought to ensure, for historical <br /> archive purposes, that they were accurately reflecting the information conveyed <br /> at the meeting, not the wishes of individuals of what they wanted to say, or <br /> wished they had said. <br /> Councilmember McGehee offered to review the tape again; however, she ex- <br /> pressed confidence that her comments were made at the meeting and in re- <br /> sponse to other comments at the bench, specifically the number of acres in ques- <br /> tion and the ratio of green space. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that the "folded" copy were the revisions made by Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee; and the "unfolded" copy represented the final revisions <br /> with all individual comments as received. <br />