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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 16,2012 <br /> Page 2 <br /> lined them verbally at this time. Councilmember McGehee advised that she had re- <br /> quested that staff provide findings, both negative and positive; however none had been <br /> forthcoming; and expressed her frustration that her findings had not been included in <br /> the Planning Commission hearing of the appeal, or part of the materials presented to the <br /> Commission as background materials. <br /> Councilmember McGehee referenced a Court of Appeals decision from 2003, cited in <br /> the League of MN Cities Handbook (Semler Construction v. City of Hanover, 667 <br /> N.W. 2d 457, 461; MN State Statute 463.354; MN State 462.358, subd. 3.b; and Rose- <br /> ville City Code 1102.03(A) in support of her findings. Councilmember McGehee ex- <br /> pressed concern with meeting the health, safety and general welfare and convenience of <br /> City residents — economic and physical - in determining the validity of the Preliminary <br /> Plat; and her interpretation of the Roseville Zoning Code, 2030 Comprehensive Plan, <br /> and Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR). <br /> Councilmember McGehee based her recommended findings for denial on the follow- <br /> ing, and expounded on each finding: <br /> 1) There are currently three (3) appeals filed regarding this proposed plat. These ap- <br /> peals have not been heard or decided (e.g. pending MN Court of Appeals regarding <br /> validity of the current AUAR; SWARN Appeal as to the Community Development <br /> staff's administrative determination that this project is a permitted use under current <br /> zoning code; and Karen Schaffer appeal as to whether staff's administrative deter- <br /> mination using Goals and Policies as a basis for that determination). <br /> 2) Traffic studies available for this project are incomplete. <br /> 3) The environmental and safety impacts of increased traffic generated by this project <br /> have not been adequately addressed. <br /> 4) The proposed plat and associated project will have significant detrimental financial <br /> and economic impacts. <br /> 5) This proposed project and plat undermine the express vision and goals of the com- <br /> munity. (e.g. Vista 2000; Comprehensive Plan 2010; Imagine Roseville 2025; and <br /> 2030 Comprehensive Plan). <br /> For the benefit of the public, Mayor Roe, in his personal comments and findings for ap- <br /> proval, sought to dispel the impression that it was, and clarified that this project was not <br /> a city-initiated project, and that neither staff nor the City Council had solicited Wal- <br /> Mart to consider Roseville as a location for a new store. Mayor Roe noted that this was <br /> a private land transaction from the private marketplace. <br /> Until discussion later in tonight's meeting by the City Council acting as the Board of <br /> Adjustments and Appeals, Mayor Roe set aside the discussion of permitted or non- <br /> permitted use. <br /> Mayor Roe advised that his primary reason for approval of the Preliminary Plat, as <br /> conditioned, was: <br />