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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 16,2012 <br /> Page 29 <br /> residents had continually been told that there would be no more "big box retail" in Roseville. <br /> From a land use perspective for this site, Mr. Grefenberg opined that just because something is <br /> not recommended should have as much if not more authority than its being listed as not prohib- <br /> ited. <br /> Whatever happens, Mr. Grefenberg looked to Wal-Mart to be a good Roseville citizen and <br /> provide a positive contribution to the Roseville community; and expressed hope that the condi- <br /> tions applied to any approval would prove the concerns of a group of citizens wrong. Howev- <br /> er, Mr. Grefenberg concluded that it remained the perspective of SWARN that a Wal-mart <br /> didn't fit this site. Mr. Grefenberg stated that, whatever the ultimate decision was by the Board <br /> and City Council, SWARN would respect it. <br /> David Nelson,2280 W Highway 36 (SWARN Member) <br /> Mr. Nelson noted that, while a lot had been said and had been heard before, it was strange and <br /> disheartening to SWARN that they had to go through an appeal to be able to have this conver- <br /> sation. Mr. Nelson expressed his personal appreciation, as well as that of the SWARN mem- <br /> bership, for Wal-Mart's request to staff dated June 9, 2012 through their Attorney Ms. Susan <br /> Steinwall of Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. (Attachment C), and Mr. Trudgeon's response dated <br /> June 21, 2012 (Attachment D). Mr. Nelson opined that, while staff's original report and rec- <br /> ommendation dated February 1 completely avoided the land use issue, Mr. Bartholdi's letter of <br /> December 9, 2011 addressed to the City Manager echoed the concerns being expressed by <br /> SWARN, even though SWARN hadn't been aware of that letter until recently. <br /> Basically, Mr. Nelson opined that the question came down to Regional or CMU designation, <br /> and it needed to be clarified. Referencing comments made by Janet Olson, a Roseville resi- <br /> dent, at the Planning Commission meeting last week, Mr. Nelson concurred that, if this use is <br /> approved for this site, the City was essentially throwing out the whole Zoning Map, question- <br /> ing the point of having it. As recommended in SWARN's interpretation of Mr. Bartholdi's let- <br /> ter f December 9, 2011, Mr. Nelson suggested that the Board follow his recommendations to <br /> avoid future conflict by making necessary amendments. <br /> Mr. Nelson questioned the rationale of Wal-Mart stating that they will only draw from a two <br /> (2) mile radius; and on what that data was based, and how it could be proven; and how the <br /> threshold of community business would be monitored. <br /> Megan Dushin,2249 St. Stephens (SWARN Member) <br /> Ms. Dushin summarized some arguments and provided her personal perspective on them. <br /> Ms. Dushin opined that it should be clear to a casual observer that the Wal-Mart proposal is in <br /> conflict with the Comprehensive Plan and the Twin Lakes Business Master Plan. Ms. Dushin <br /> opined that the Twin Lakes Master Plan included 0% retail, specifically "big box retail;" and <br /> sought to attract head of household or living wage jobs. Ms. Dushin opined that the Wal-Mart <br /> proposal was incompatible with the Comprehensive Plan in a variety of ways, providing for no <br />