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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 16,2012 <br /> Page 45 <br /> Extension of Meeting Curfew <br /> Member Willmus noted that the meeting had originally been extended to 10:40 p.m., and given <br /> the time now, suggested the meeting be extended to the conclusion of this issue. <br /> Willmus moved, Johnson seconded to extend meeting further to conclusion of this matter <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Johnson; Pust; McGehee; Willmus; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Member Pust suggested framing up the issues as follows: <br /> 1) Does the Zoning Code allow retail? <br /> 2) Does the Zoning Code allow big box retail? <br /> 3) Is there a conflict between the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Code? <br /> 4) If there is a conflict, which way does it go? <br /> Chair Roe suggested that the question is does the Zoning Code permit retail in the CUM Dis- <br /> trict. <br /> Member Pust noted that, personally, she saw no basis for finding that it does not allow retail, <br /> therefore her rationale in splitting the question. <br /> As a non-Councilmember at the time and having sat through discussions regarding business <br /> zoning districts and their differentiations, Member McGehee opined that it did include retail, <br /> but in a different format. <br /> Chair Roe lead discussion specific to whether the Zoning Code permitted big box retail. <br /> Directing her comments to City Attorney Gaughan for his response, Member Pust opined that <br /> the important point is whether operation of the proposed Wal-Mart on this parcel was a permit- <br /> ted use under current zoning code, not whether there was a conflict between the Zoning Code <br /> and Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, Member Pust opined that, if the Board wished to frame <br /> up their findings on retail, she didn't think a motion on each one was necessary. <br /> Member Willmus, in that context and previous legal opinion of the City Attorney, opined that <br /> this proposal was consistent with CMU zoning designation and the Comprehensive Plan, For <br /> that reason, Member Willmus opined that the use was not precluded; with it not stating any- <br /> where in the Zoning Code that such a use is prohibited, and when looking through the Chart, it <br /> was clear that it would be a permitted use. <br /> Chair Roe clarified that Member Willmus was primarily relying on the Zoning Code chart; to <br /> which Member Willmus responded affirmatively. <br />