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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 16,2012 <br /> Page 47 <br /> In reviewing the Comprehensive Plan, Member Pust stated that this caused her to agree with <br /> the City Attorney's advice given in December of 2011, suggesting that this ambiguity should <br /> have been cleaned up, but hadn't been done. Member Pust stated that this created a problem in <br /> her reliance with staff's analysis only because these particular findings were not sustainable in <br /> her opinion. Under those circumstances, Member Pust opined that the same conclusions may <br /> be drawn as in staff's analysis, but not using the same justification or rationale as detailed to <br /> support their findings. Member Pust opined that statements could be sustained that the CMU <br /> District does not limit, restrict or prohibit use size or that it differentiates between large- and <br /> moderate-scoped stores. Based on these concerns, Member Pust advised that she couldn't go <br /> along with how this is set up as long as the lines remain blurred for her between the Compre- <br /> hensive Plan and Zoning Code. <br /> Member Willmus asked City Attorney Gaughan if a list of findings was needed tonight, or if <br /> their office would draft those findings for review, consideration and action at the next meeting. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan advised that there was no mandate to leave tonight's meeting with <br /> those findings; however, if staff's administrative determination was upheld or overturned, spe- <br /> cific findings would be needed, based on fine tuning of the Board's analysis, and could be pre- <br /> sented at a future meeting. <br /> Member Willmus suggested that the Board act on the two (2) appeals, and direct staff to return <br /> with those findings next week. <br /> Chair Roe noted that, even though not fine tuned, the Board would need to provide guidance to <br /> the City Attorney and staff to draft those findings. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan concurred, noting that staff had laid out their analysis that could be fol- <br /> lowed for the findings at the Board's direction; however, the Board may wish to point to sever- <br /> al specific areas that specifically contoured that analysis adopted by the Board; or of the appel- <br /> lants findings as well. <br /> Member McGehee noted that, in past similar situations, the City Attorney prepared findings for <br /> both points of view for the City Council and/or Board to consider. Member McGehee advised <br /> that she had asked for such a document from the City Attorney for either course of action to <br /> provide a thorough the issues brought forward by the appellants and staff. Member <br /> McGehee sought consensus to pursue this as a reasonable request by the Board of the City At- <br /> torney's office. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan expressed hesitation in their office creating any appearance that they or <br /> staff are keying up findings for the Board; and opined that it would be a difficult task for their <br /> office or staff to draft specific findings and await a line item veto one way or the other by the <br /> Board. City Attorney Gaughan advised that the Board identify findings they wish to adopt, and <br /> his office can fine tune the exact language and return for formal action after the Board's review <br /> and concurrence. City Attorney Gaughan reiterated that he was reticent to come to the Board <br />