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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 16,2012 <br /> Page 49 <br /> stores; and opined that everyone had to be in agreement that Wal-Mart is a free-standing, large <br /> format store, even if Chair Roe concluded that it was a local store. With all respect given to <br /> the applicant's comments of the 3-6 mile radius for customer draw, Member Pust recognized <br /> that this has changed over time. However, Member Pust noted that in June of 2011, the body <br /> was told that a Wal-Mart store would draw from a trade area as far away as western WI based <br /> on the freeway system access. In reviewing the same materials, Member Pust recognized that <br /> the levels of importance of that information varied from one person to another. <br /> Member McGehee concurred with Member Pust's comments; noting that the visibility of this <br /> location in the community is included in the transportation plan; and in her review of the same <br /> information as Member Pust, she also referred to the previous Comprehensive Plan and stake- <br /> holder meeting discussions. <br /> Chair Roe refocused the discussion on the issue currently before the Board with the current <br /> Comprehensive Plan and updated Zoning Code. <br /> Chair Roe continued his position statement, noting that in his review of all statements in con- <br /> text of the Comprehensive Plan, both Regional and Community Business designations, they <br /> talked about freestanding stores, admittedly open to orientation and interpretation,but created a <br /> grey area if just location was the only consideration. Chair Roe noted that there were homes <br /> currently located in areas that could be designated Regional Business, but if all language of the <br /> definition was taken in context of the application, the same location has minor and major aug- <br /> menters. <br /> Member McGehee opined that she and Chair Roe were actually discussing the same things,but <br /> that this actually pointed out one more difference; and expressed her confidence that Member <br /> Pust, Chair Roe and she were each taking all points in those definitions together. <br /> Member Willmus stated his position that he found the proposed use consistent with the Zoning <br /> Code's general Statement of Purpose and Use Chart; consistent with the Statement of Purpose <br /> for CMU District designation; consistent with the Regulating Plan with square footage limita- <br /> tions not specifically addressed in the Comprehensive Plan, and therefore not a valid argument <br /> against this proposal. Member Willmus noted his further findings that the Twin Lakes Busi- <br /> ness Park Master Plan is a guiding document not a regulatory document; and that the Zoning <br /> Code has embraced that Master Plan by including specific regulations. Based on his findings, <br /> Member Willmus advised that he would be voting against both appeals. <br /> Member Pust expressed appreciation that Member Willmus didn't read in the underlying lan- <br /> guage,just the categories, opining that this served the City better. Member Pust, in referencing <br /> the Twin Lakes Business Park Master Plan, noted that identification of that Master Plan as an <br /> official control, used in the legal terminology context, had been made by the City Attorney <br /> specifically as an official control and relied upon by the City in evaluating specific proposals <br /> and land use issues. In regard to Member Willmus findings, Member Pust opined that she <br /> found this one the weakest of all. <br />