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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23, 2012 <br /> Page 35 <br /> staff had reviewed that additional language and had no objection, noting that they further de- <br /> tailed specific findings of the body. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan concurred with the language as long as it reflected actual findings of <br /> the Board. <br /> Chair Roe advised that this was his intent; and apologized to the Board for not getting them <br /> submitted before today. Chair Roe clarified that his proposed language did not change any <br /> findings of fact as presented; however, expressed his willingness for consideration and com- <br /> ment of that proposed language by the Board. <br /> Chair Roe opened the meeting for brief public comments, specific to the findings of fact pro- <br /> posed, asking that comments remain succinct given the hour; and noted subsequent City Coun- <br /> cil action tonight on the Final Plat and Development Agreement for the Wal-Mart proposal. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Applicant Representative Sue Steinwall, Fredrikson, Byron,legal counsel for Wal-Mart <br /> Ms. Steinwall advised that her only suggestion would be to consider, in the introductory <br /> "Whereas" clauses, an additional reference to the Planning Commission action of July 11, <br /> 2012. <br /> Chair Roe thanked Ms. Steinwall for that suggestion; and recommended inserting that refer- <br /> ence on Line 30, as another"Whereas" clause to memorialize the action of the Planning Com- <br /> mission, opining that it was an appropriate addition to the resolution. <br /> By consensus, the addition was approved. <br /> Willmus moved, Johnson seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 10994 (Attachment A) enti- <br /> tled, "A Resolution Regarding the Determination of a Permitted Use Within the Community <br /> Mixed Use Zoning District;" as amended to include reference to the Planning Commission <br /> meeting of July 11, 2012; and to include the additional language for Findings of Fact as sub- <br /> mitted by Mayor Roe. <br /> Member Pust agreed that the Resolution, as amended, accurately reflected the motions raised at <br /> the July 16, 2012 meeting; however, she noted that she would vote in opposition to it for rea- <br /> sons stated at that prior meeting. <br /> Member McGehee concurred, noting that she would vote in opposition, based on the previous <br /> submission of her personal findings, both written and verbal, at previous meetings, basically <br /> still not believing that this is a permitted use and that there is a conflict between the Compre- <br /> hensive Plan and Zoning Code. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Johnson; Willmus; and Roe. <br />