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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23,2012 <br /> Page 37 <br /> Easement Vacations <br /> Mr. Trudgeon noted that part of the Final Plat approval process would include <br /> finalizing the easement vacations. <br /> Development Agreement <br /> Mr. Trudgeon briefly reviewed language included in the Development Agree- <br /> ment that were represented in materials presented to-date at various meetings, <br /> incorporating a Response Action Plan regulated by the Minnesota Pollution <br /> Control Agency (MPCA), applicable fees, right-of-way acquisition for internal <br /> parking, and other items as detailed in the DRAFT Agreement as presented. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff was recommending additional language be <br /> inserted in the Development Agreement to outline the Security Plan for the <br /> Wal-Mart Store, detailed in Condition L, as previously noted. Mr. Trudgeon <br /> advised that, while a Security Plan was desirable, language would default <br /> back to the 300 call threshold triggering charges for calls above and beyond <br /> that. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan addressed recommendations regarding Condition J, and <br /> pending EAW Appeal, rationalizing his recommendation that this condition be <br /> omitted from the Final Plat specifically as it could have unintended consequenc- <br /> es for current litigation that could serve to prolong litigation by litigants even if <br /> deemed unnecessary. City Attorney Gaughan opined that it was in the best in- <br /> terest of the City to avoid any climate of litigation, and to not create any artifi- <br /> cial or perceived incentives to carry on litigation with any provisions; and <br /> strongly recommended removing this condition. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Pust, City Attorney provided his analysis if <br /> pending litigation against the City is decided against the City indicating further <br /> EAW litigation is required. Councilmember Pust questioned the ramifications <br /> for the City if this condition was eliminated, the Final Plat approved, and then <br /> further environmental ligation found in favor of additional environmental re- <br /> view, via an EAW. Councilmember Pust expressed concern that this would <br /> leave the City open to a claim from Wal-Mart as a result of removing this condi- <br /> tion. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan advised that, if the ruling by the Appellate Court ruled <br /> against the City, their order would mean additional environmental study was <br /> necessary. However, City Attorney Gaughan noted that such an order would <br /> preclude any actions against the City, and if the court order directed further en- <br /> vironmental review must occur, environmental statutes require that this must <br /> occur before any other action; and the project would therefore essentially stop at <br /> that point. <br />