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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23,2012 <br /> Page 46 <br /> to the Police Chief and Wal-Mart to negotiate and bring to the City Council for <br /> approval. <br /> Councilmember Pust noted that if Councilmembers found it unfair to identify <br /> Wal-Mart with this revision, they could vote it down at this time. <br /> Councilmember Johnson clarified that it was not his point of what was fair to <br /> Wal-Mart, but for every business, and opined that it would be better dealt with <br /> as a separate issue away from the Wal-Mart issue itself. <br /> Mayor Roe, based on this discussion, opined that he was comfortable adding the <br /> language proposed by Councilmember Pust, noting that it didn't define the out- <br /> come of negotiations, and still provided for review and subsequent approval by <br /> the City Council. Mayor Roe noted that it still defaults back to the 300 call <br /> threshold, and in either case provided for the one year review, which he totally <br /> supported. Mayor Roe opined that, if at that time, the cost-share was deter- <br /> mined to be unfair, a future City Council should be able to perform that review. <br /> Councilmember Johnson asked if Councilmember Pust would consider a friend- <br /> ly amendment to apply this to all businesses in Roseville, not just Wal-Mart. <br /> Councilmember Pust noted, with concurrence by City Attorney Gaughan, that it <br /> would be inappropriate to include that generalization within a Development <br /> Agreement contract specific to Wal-Mart and not other businesses. However, <br /> Councilmember Pust expressed her willingness to bring back such a policy to <br /> the next meeting of the City Council. <br /> Councilmember Johnson reiterated his concern and spirit from which he spoke, <br /> that his intent was to not single out Wal-Mart,but what is best for Roseville and <br /> all of its businesses related to security and public safety, and to focus on that not <br /> using this route. <br /> In light of Councilmember Johnson's expressed intent, as well as that of Coun- <br /> cilmember Pust, Councilmember Willmus asked the City Attorney whether <br /> Wal-Mart would be included and subject to a future policy provision approved <br /> at a later date. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan advised that, if that policy applied across all existing <br /> business and was adopted, it could be applied to Wal-Mart. However, without <br /> seeing an actually policy and what all it involved, City Attorney Gaughan ex- <br /> pressed his hesitation in clearly stating how enforceable such a policy would be. <br /> However, assuming such a policy was put into place for existing businesses, <br /> City Attorney Gaughan noted that Wal-Mart would be considered one of them. <br />