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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23,2012 <br /> Page 53 <br /> Mayor Roe opined that he would be more inclined to support this proposal in <br /> order to mitigate environmental issues and use of TIF for road and utility costs; <br /> while acknowledging that the project could not achieve higher rental rates due <br /> to current conditions of the surrounding area. <br /> In addressing attracting young families, Councilmember Pust suggested the <br /> need to consider where they would play, since there didn't appear to be a lot of <br /> green space on the concept plans presented other than trees. While Langton <br /> Lake was across the road and owned by the City, Councilmember Pust ques- <br /> tioned whether that was a suitable amenity if the developer proposed it to be <br /> family-oriented. <br /> Mr. Osborn expressed appreciation for tonight's feedback. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked Mr. Osborn for his patience in waiting, given tonight's <br /> lengthy meeting. Mayor Roe wished Mr. Osborn's team well as they moved <br /> forward with further discussions with staff. <br /> b. Consider Amending City Code, Chapter 302 Regarding the Allowable <br /> Number of Off-Sale Liquor Licenses <br /> Three bench handouts were provided related to this discussion, attached hereto <br /> and made a part hereof consisting of: <br /> • Mayor Roe memorandum to City Manager Malinen memorandum dated <br /> June 13, 2012 regarding Off-Sale Liquor License Quantity discussion <br /> points. <br /> • Councilmember Johnson's comparison and comments of cities,their popula- <br /> tion, and number of municipal and/or private facilities; and <br /> • A map showing Off-Sale Liquor Store locations inside Roseville and the <br /> immediate area outside Roseville. <br /> Finance Director Chris Miller reviewed how this discussion had been initiated, <br /> at the request of various applicants seeking to change City Code allowing them <br /> to locate in Roseville, as detailed in the RCA dated July 23, 2012. <br /> Mr. Miller advised that representatives of World Market/Cost Plus were at to- <br /> night's meeting and wished to address the City Council. <br /> Barry Feldt, CEO of Cost Plus World Market <br /> Mr. Feldt noted that their organization, headquartered in the bay area of Oregon <br /> had an objective to return to the mid-west area and further south and east as a <br /> result of the improving economic market. <br /> Mr. Feldt advised that they currently operated 260 stores; and had made com- <br /> mitments to management and employees in communities where they had been <br />