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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 13,2012 <br /> Page 23 <br /> restructuring of departments and consolidation of positions had not allowed for <br /> internal comparisons and equities. City Manager Malinen sought City Council <br /> support in moving forward to get the City back on the plane they were on short- <br /> ly after the 2002 study and its subsequent implementation. City Manager Ma- <br /> linen noted, as addressed by Ms. Bacon, that the 2012 budget did not include <br /> funding for this $150,000; however, he noted that sufficient funds were availa- <br /> ble to initiate the compensation study, and future budgets could be amended ac- <br /> cordingly to accommodate the cost,beginning in 2013. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, City Manager Malinen noted that the 2012 fund- <br /> ing could come forward as a budget amendment, similar to other amendments <br /> throughout the year; and anticipated funding it in part through currently vacant <br /> positions. <br /> Councilmember Pust asked that Finance Director Miller provide cost savings <br /> from vacant positions at his earliest convenience; anticipating that some of those <br /> savings could be applied to the geothermal costs. <br /> Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of proceeding with the Compensa- <br /> tion Study, since the last study was done ten (10) years ago, and given the time <br /> required to implement the study; opining that the City Council owed it to its <br /> employees. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Johnson as to whether this would be handled <br /> through a best value contract, per City Policy, Ms. Bacon questioned the validi- <br /> ty of such an extensive process, since this was such a minimal dollar amount, <br /> and whether the City would realize the best value from such a process. Ms. Ba- <br /> con noted that the last study cost $15,000 and that included a complete over- <br /> haul, which this would not require; and questioned the need to consider a full <br /> $30,000 expenditure. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that it was up to staff's discretion to implement a proper <br /> evaluation of this type of service evaluation, per City Policy. <br /> City Manager Malinen opined that, if it was more prudent, since the cost and ef- <br /> fort are fairly significant for the best overall value for professional services, he <br /> wasn't sure if this warranted that level. <br /> Mayor Roe recommended that the City's Policy be followed. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that she felt confident that the lower dollar <br /> amount would be applicable; and was comfortable with the traditional profes- <br /> sional services process. <br />