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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27,2012 <br /> Page 15 <br /> Ramalingam opined that it was unfortunate that City Manager Malinen was not <br /> present at tonight's meeting, as she had several questions to ask him; and he was <br /> apparently the person to whom those questions and concerns should be ad- <br /> dressed. Ms. Ramalingam opined that her concerns were very serious and the <br /> impacts of the proposed budget were costly. <br /> Tom Schroud, 1142 Rose Place <br /> Mr. Schroud noted that, while he had heard the many budget increases pro- <br /> posed, he had heard nothing on any spending cuts for 2013; and questioned if <br /> that was due to them not being significant enough to mention. <br /> Mr. Schroud had several questions: <br /> 1) Mr. Schroud noted that water and sewer base rates increased by 60-65% to <br /> pay for "new things;" and he considered that regressive taxation. Mr. <br /> Schroud stated that this was hitting the poorest people the hardest by in- <br /> creasing the base rate; and suggested instead that strong consideration be <br /> given to cutting the base rate and increasing service fees, so those using the <br /> service paid for it. Mr. Schroud opined that those trying to save every pen- <br /> ny could do little to reduce their expenses when the base rate was raised. <br /> 2) Mr. Schroud opined that a position at the License Center had been vacant <br /> since 2008 and the City had gotten by so far, maybe another position should <br /> be eliminated. To suggest that the City was losing income by cutting a per- <br /> son was, in Mr. Schroud's opinion, "stupid." Mr. Schroud opined that there <br /> were not enough additional Roseville residents or businesses in the City that <br /> would justify increased staffing at the License Center; and if the City had <br /> gotten by so far, he suggested that it continue to do so. <br /> With no one else from the public appearing to speak to the 2013 Budget, Mayor <br /> Roe closed the Public Hearing at approximately 7:33 p.m. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked residents for their comments; and reiterated the additional <br /> opportunities coming up over the next few months. <br /> In an attempt to clarify several comments, Mayor Roe noted that License Center <br /> staffing was not based on more staff equaling more income; but more work re- <br /> quiring more staff; and generation of income with more transactions being pro- <br /> cessed. <br /> Regarding comparisons based on the current peer group, Mayor Roe suggested <br /> that this suggestion made sense for further review and discussion by the City <br /> Council at a future meeting. <br /> For clarification, Councilmember Johnson asked staff to address how peer cities <br /> had been identified; and to address allegations made that those cities were not <br /> similar to Roseville. <br />