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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27, 2012 <br /> Page 17 <br /> on figures from Ramsey County, and asked when those calculations were made <br /> available. <br /> Mr. Miller advised that the calculations were performed early in 2012 for 2013, <br /> and indicated values declining by 8.7%, with some properties increasing and <br /> some decreasing, with the majority fluctuation in the 6%to 9.5%range. <br /> Councilmember Pust asked if Mr. Miller took that value decrease into account <br /> when coming up with additional taxes, or whether that had already been sub- <br /> tracted out, with Mr. Miller responding that it had been taken into consideration, <br /> and this is the net tax impact. <br /> Councilmember Pust asked Mr. Miller to provide just the tax numbers, outside <br /> property valuation calculations; opining that the proposed increase would be far <br /> higher; with Mr. Miller concurring that it would indeed be higher, but was not a <br /> true reality of the actual property tax bill. <br /> Councilmember Pust, reflecting on her seven (7) years on the City Council, not- <br /> ed that over that time, the gross percentage had increased and decreased; and <br /> asked that Mr. Miller provide that set number for her review; opining that the <br /> perception is that taxes always go up in Roseville. While there may be some <br /> • truth to that perception, Councilmember Pust opined that a discussion was <br /> needed to ensure that comparisons were being done accurately. <br /> Absent the change in property values, Mayor Roe estimated that the increase <br /> would be closer to 14.8%. Mayor Roe opined that it would be helpful to have <br /> that statistical analysis; including how many homes in Roseville fell into the <br /> changing valuation category in order to understand the whole mix. <br /> Councilmember Pust noted that there was also a historical percentage increase <br /> in the levy in Roseville over the last seven (7) years. <br /> Mr. Miller advised that staff had previously provided that analysis over the last <br /> ten (10) years for the City Council as they determined what was driving the an- <br /> nual levy increase; and volunteered to update the information for the City <br /> Council's review. <br /> Councilmember Wilimus referenced a memorandum sent out today by staff re- <br /> lated to debt service; and asked that staff provide additional follow-up tonight or <br /> at the next meeting regarding the City's credit rating and what could or could <br /> not jeopardize the City's credit rating by spending down reserves. Coun- <br /> cilmember Wilimus questioned if increasing the City's debt could also have a <br /> negative effect on the City's credit rating. <br />