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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27,2012 <br /> Page 30 <br /> Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of the motion; confirming her sup- <br /> port all along. While not having many additional comments beyond those al- <br /> ready expressed by Councilmembers Pust and Willmus, Councilmember <br /> McGehee stated that it was her belief that she represented all people, and <br /> couldn't take a position that would single out a portion of the community she <br /> represented to have fewer rights than the rest of the community. Councilmem- <br /> ber McGehee opined that this divisive issue was not one brought about the City <br /> or community; but couldn't be allowed to divide the community, since everyone <br /> had equal rights. <br /> While feeling welcome in Roseville now, Councilmember McGehee stated that <br /> this was not always her experience, and that she had felt discriminated in the <br /> past because of who she was; opining that it didn't feel very good. Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee stated that she wished to support the entire community and <br /> felt strongly about this; and didn't support the opinion that the City Council, as <br /> a political body, shouldn't or couldn't take a stand; further opining that it had <br /> and should do so. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated that she was proud to be part of the resolution <br /> activity of the HRC, having served on that body in the past, and having read an- <br /> nual essays from students about human rights. Councilmember McGehee ex- <br /> pressed her pride that the HRC and the City Council was standing up for the en- <br /> tire community and rights for everyone, not just those in Roseville, but through- <br /> out the State of MN as a welcoming state for GLTB residents; and expressed <br /> her pleasure that it appeared that Roseville was such a community of welcome <br /> as well. <br /> Councilmember Johnson stated that this issue had run the gamut of emotions; <br /> and had been the most thought-provocative issue in his four (4) year tenure with <br /> the City Council. Initially, Councilmember Johnson stated that his thought pro- <br /> cess included frustration that he had been pushed into a corner on this issue. <br /> However, when he ran for election, based on his beliefs and how they impacted <br /> this issue, Councilmember Johnson recognized his decision-making process. <br /> Councilmember Johnson reviewed his initial involvement with City government <br /> through his service on the Parks and Recreation Commission, followed by in- <br /> volvement with the Comprehensive Plan Subcommittee of the Imagine Rose- <br /> ville 2025 community visioning; and the City of Roseville's rich history that <br /> provided optimism for its future. Councilmember Johnson read one of the <br /> statements from that community visioning process, stating that All families are <br /> strong, healthy, embraced and serve people throughout to live, learn, worship <br /> and play; creating a great place to raise a family, age in place, run a business, , <br /> and that all of those opportunities should be protected (excerpt from paragraph <br /> two of that document). Councilmember Johnson noted that, while open to in- <br /> terpretation,the document had been heavily vetted by the entire community. <br />