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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27,2012 <br /> Page 36 <br /> this low area. Ms. Bloom advised that the rationale behind the easements was <br /> to find some way for the water to get through the easement area, both above and <br /> below ground, by providing additional storm sewer capacity to avoid it going <br /> into people's basements. Ms. Bloom advised that this was the larger flood man- <br /> agement plan and would address issues with the catch basin. Ms. Bloom recog- <br /> nized Mr. White as a great partner with the City throughout the years. Ms. <br /> Bloom noted that a permanent solution for drainage issues involved more than <br /> just the City of Roseville, and required more infiltration basins in easements, <br /> sinking them into the ground and then into the pipe; with staff's opinion that <br /> those easements would be what was needed to be successful. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Ms. Bloom confirmed that approval of these <br /> easements would not prove contrary to future needs. <br /> Several other examples were discussed and various mitigation efforts, whether <br /> through purchase of property and/or vacant home acquisition, as well as other <br /> options. <br /> Ms. Bloom advised that a huge pond at this location would not correct the larger <br /> problem, but that the entire subwatershed needed to be addressed, with this pro- <br /> posal only serving to make an incremental difference. Ms. Bloom noted that <br /> there are other mitigation options in the area as well; however, this area is at the <br /> top of the watershed, and the low spot in the intersection was surcharging when <br /> the pipe filled; and while something larger could be built, the City was attempt- <br /> ing to mitigation drainage issues without demolishing homes. <br /> Regarding conflicts with the Zoning, and other historical scenarios mentioned <br /> throughout the City, Councilmember Willmus sought when those were created; <br /> with Mr. Lloyd advising that one was a PUD created in the early to mid-1990's <br /> and one on Rice Street much older. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the issue at the Fairview community Center had been cre- <br /> ated by the City when zoning was changed from Parks Open Space versus Insti- <br /> tutional with no parcel line. <br /> Councilmember Pust addressed a concern she had fielded from a citizen regard- <br /> ing conditions for use of snow removal equipment when in close proximity to <br /> residential properties. <br /> Mr. Lloyd advised that there was a difference in City Code for emergency and <br /> non-emergency snow removal; with Councilmember Willmus clarifying that <br /> snow removal was exempt from existing City Code. <br /> At 10:08 p.m., Johnson moved, McGehee seconded extending the meeting until 10:15 p.m. <br />