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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 20,2012 <br /> Page 14 <br /> with such a program for real life experiences for the students and potential em- <br /> ployment within the community. <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned how coordination of pathway work and <br /> maintenance occurred between the Parks and Public Works departments. <br /> Mr. Schwartz advised that typically the Streets Division took care of the trail infra- <br /> structure itself, with operational issues (e.g. sweeping, maintenance, snow removal, <br /> branch trimming) under the Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. Schwartz ad- <br /> vised that this arrangement had come about based on seasonal labor needs. <br /> Parks and Recreation Director Brokke concurred, noting that day-to-day mainte- <br /> nance, in cooperation with the Public Works Department and sharing employees <br /> throughout the city, was coordinated among those departments, with the Parks and <br /> Recreation Department taking the lead on those maintenance issues. Mr. Brokke <br /> noted the employee-sharing throughout the departments as needs arise, or emergen- <br /> cy situations occur. <br /> Mr. Schwartz advised that some staffing studies had been done in the early 1990's <br /> to determine whether departments were staffed appropriately. Mr. Schwartz ad- <br /> vised that the Maintenance Division was driven by emergency needs, with the re- <br /> maining needs met through seasonable employees; and required coordination be- <br /> tween the departments to effectively use the time of those employees. <br /> Councilmember Johnson commended the department, and employee group, respon- <br /> sible for the significant reduction in gas usage(page 88) from 2009—2010. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Johnson, Mr. Schwartz advised that the employee <br /> review group was represented by an employee from each department, and each ar- <br /> ea, whether vehicle use or staff comfort levels in facilities, were reviewed, with <br /> changes made in temperature settings, a thorough balancing of the HVAC system <br /> installed in 2003/2004. Mr. Schwartz advised that fine-tuning and balancing that <br /> system had resulted in great savings and better comfort levels of employees in those <br /> facilities. <br /> Councilmember Johnson offered kudos to everyone involved in those cost saving <br /> efforts. <br /> Acting Mayor Willmus thanked everyone for a great discussion; and good start to <br /> the next four (4) years. As Councilmembers reviewed the information in more de- <br /> tail, Acting Mayor Willmus encouraged them to bring those forward to staff and <br /> during future discussions at the City Council level. <br />