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REQUEST FFOR COUUNCIL ACCTION <br />Daate:09/17/12 <br />Iteem No.: <br />13.b <br />Depaartment ApprrovalCitty Manager AApproval <br />Item Description: Twin Lakees AUAR Discussion <br />B <br />ACKKGROUND <br />2 <br />TheTTwin Lakes Alternative UUrban Areawwide Revieww (AUAR) eenvironmentaal review doocument <br />8 <br />wasooriginally appproved in 20001 in consideration of rredevelopmeent of the Twwin Lakes arrea. On <br />9 <br />Octobber 15, 20077, the City off Roseville aadopted an uupdate to the 2001 Twin Lakes AUAAR. <br />10 <br />Undeer Minnesotaa State Ruless, an AUAR is required tto begin the process to bbe updated pprior to <br />11 <br />the exxpiration of five years frrom the date of adoptionn. In the casee of the Twiin Lakes AUUAR, it <br />12 <br />willeexpire on Occtober 15, 20012. <br />13 <br />Thellack of an AUUAR wouldd not necessaarily halt devvelopment inn Twin Lakes. To the exxtent that <br />14 <br />a partticular devellopment doees not meet aa mandatory threshold off an Environnmental Asseessment <br />15 <br />Workksheet (EAWW) or Environmental Imppact Statemeent (EIS), it mmay proceedd. If a devellopment <br />16 <br />exceeeds the manddatory threshhold for an EEAW or EIS, the environnmental reviiew will needd to be <br />17 <br />conduucted. As thhe City Counncil is awaree, having the AUAR in pplace eliminaates the needd to <br />18 <br />conduuct further environmentaal review. <br />19 <br />Stafffwould like tto discuss wwith the City Council posssible optionns for the Twwin Lakes AUUAR. At <br />16 <br />thisppoint, staff has come up wwith three opptions for thhe City Counncil to considder and discuuss. <br />17 <br />1))Begin the Twin Lakess AUAR updaate using thee same scenaarios as prevviously usedd. This <br />23 <br />option woould use the same scenarrios that werre used in thee 2007 Twinn Lakes AUAAR and <br />24 <br />review thee previous aanalysis andrrefresh the innformation aas needed.TThis is perhaaps the <br />25 <br />most timeely option, ass it will not rrequire the ddrafting of a whole new document. This <br />26 <br />processwwould take seeveral monthhs and requirre third-partyy consultantts. Dependinng on the <br />27 <br />depth of tthe analysis nneeded, staffff estimates tthat this option would bee between $225,000 - <br />28 <br />$50,000. <br />29 <br />2))Let the Twwin Lakes AUUAR lapse aand begin a nnew visioninng process foor Twin Lakees and <br />33 <br />completea new AUARR once the visioning is ccomplete. Thhis option wwould entail rrevisiting <br />34 <br />the wholee vision of Twwin Lakes aand basing a new AUARR on the newly crafted viision. In <br />35 <br />th <br />the interimm, after Octoober 15, theere would noot be any “offficial” environmental ddocument <br />36 <br />coveringtthe Twin Laakes area.However, we will still rettain the knowwledge of thee past <br />37 <br />environmmental documments that wee can implemment if projects come forrward. The City <br />38 <br />could alsoo consider a moratoriumm in Twin Laakes, but stafff would nott recommendd a <br />39 <br />moratoriuum given thee past decadee of stalled ddevelopmentts. A moratoorium wouldd put the <br />40 <br />propertyoowners in a pposition wheere they cannnot sell or deevelop their land when tthe <br />41 <br />economy is starting too improve.TThis option ccould be quiite involved and lengthyy <br />42 <br />PPage 1 of 2 <br /> <br />