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REQUEST FFOR COUUNCIL ACCTION <br />Daate: 09/17/122 <br />Iteem No.: <br />Depaartment ApprrovalCitty Manager AApproval <br />Discusssion of “Reental Licenssing to Achiieve Compliiance” Repoort <br />Item Description: <br />(HF_000113) <br />B <br />ACGROUND <br />KK <br />2 <br />3 <br />TheRRoseville Housing and Redevelopmment Authorrity (RHRA)) has previoously identifified in its <br />13 <br />workk plan the neeed to exploore rental liicensing for larger multtifamily prooperties in RRoseville. <br />14 <br />Theree has been sustained diiscussions aamongst Pollice, Fire, BBuilding Coddes and RHHRA staff <br />15 <br />regarrding the deeteriorated interiors, coontinued criiminal activvity and lackk of inspecctions for <br />16 <br />severral of Roseville’s multi-family rentaal complexess. It was baased on thosse discussionns that at <br />17 <br />theJJanuary 17, 2012 RHRRA meetingRosevilleFFire Chief TTim O’Neill, Police Chhief Rick <br />18 <br />Mathhwig, Fire MMarshal Johnn Loftus, Buuilding Officcial Don Muunson and LLisa Pielen from the <br />19 <br />Minnnesota Multii-HousingAAssociation((MHA) pressented their point of vieew on what is being <br />20 <br />encouuntered in mmulti-family ppropertieswwithin Rosevville and sharred their thooughts on how best to <br />21 <br />addreess problemss in these buildings. <br />22 <br />14 <br />In Sppring of 20122, the RHRAA received ffunding fromm the Centerr for Urban aand Regionaal Affairs <br />20 <br />(CURRA) to hire aa research asssistant to reeview optionns to address these problems. The reeport was <br />21 <br />reviewwed and disscussed inteernally with RosevillePPolice Deparrtment and BBuilding Insspections <br />22 <br />Divission as welll as revieweed by the MMHA. Thefinal reportt “Rental LLicensing to Achieve <br />23 <br />Comppliance” was presented to the RHRAA on Augusst 21, 2012 mmeeting. TThe RHRA ddiscussed <br />24 <br />themmerits of the rreport and mmade recommmendation too present it too the Roseviille Council. <br />25 <br />21 <br />Therreport made the followinng conclusionns: <br />22 <br />23 <br />Thhe City of RRoseville shhould considder implemennting a targgeted rental licensing <br />o <br />25 <br />prrogram for mmulti-family properties. <br />26 <br />Too address staaffing conceerns due to aan expected iincrease in iinspections,a system <br />o <br />27 <br />off third-party inspections should be ussed. <br />28 <br />Inn order to seee improvemeents in propeerty maintennance and otther health annd safety <br />o <br />30 <br />isssues in multti-family houusing, Rosevville should consider thhe followingg changes <br />31 <br />toits city codee : <br />32 <br />Adjustting the occuupancy standdards by reqquiring rentaal property oowners to <br />33 <br />maintaain an occuupancy regisster with the names off all personns legally <br />34 <br />alloweed to occupy a unit; <br />35 <br />Addingg a stipulatioon regardingg safe food sttorage practices; <br />34 <br />Adjustting the infeestation stipuulation of thhe property mmaintenancee code to <br />35 <br />PPage 1 of 2 <br /> <br />