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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights Commission
Agendas and Packets
2012 Agendas and packets
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September 19, 2012 <br />Item 5.b <br />Operations Committee By -laws <br />members of all Standing and Special Committees; shall perform other duties as necessary <br />for the execution of the Commissions goals and objectives. <br />b. Vice - Chair: The Vice -Chair shall assist the Chair and be vested with all powers of, and <br />perform the duties of the Chair in the Chair'..s absence or inability to act; may act as a <br />parliamentarian during meetings; shall chair committees on special subjects as designated <br />by the Chair; shall attend various meetings as requested by the Chair; shall perform other <br />duties as requested to support the Commission's goals and objectives "." <br />c. Standing Committee Chairs: Standing Committee Chairs will be elected by Committees. <br />Committee Chairs shall preside over the Committees that have been authorized and <br />established by the Commission, and convene meetings as needed in consultation with <br />other committee members to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Commission. <br />Chairs shall provide reports to the Commission at regular meetings. The Chair of <br />Program Planning and the Chair of Outreach & Diversity shall serve on the Operations <br />Committee. <br />Article 89, Election of Officers: <br />A. Officer elections are held once a year at the regular November meeting of the full <br />Commission. New officers will assume their positions the day after elections are held. <br />Article 91-9.2 Terms of Officers <br />A. The term of office, for all officers, is one (1) year. Officers shall serve until their successor is <br />elected at the November meeting. <br />Article 101, Succession and Vacancies <br />A. Order of Succession: For the purpose of chairing Commission meetings, the order of <br />succession shall be Chair, then Vice - Chair, and then the Standing Committee Chair of the <br />Program Planning Committee. <br />B. Vacancy of the Chair: In the event of the Chair's resignation or inability to continue to serve, <br />the Vice -Chair shall automatically succeed to the office of Chair, and the position of Vice - <br />Chair shall be declared vacant at the first meeting, and filled as soon as possible. <br />C. Other Vacancies: Any other vacancy in an officer's position sucesion, ueth <br />jL%;/0T&_U1"uL� TjL hall be filled by majority vote of the Commission after sufficient <br />notice of the vacancy and opportunity for nominations has been provided. <br />Article 1111?, Officer Removal: Committee Chairs mav be removed from their osition as <br />Committee Chair by the majority vote of the respective committees. Should a Commissioner find .................... .............. <br />....................... . ........ x .... . <br />
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