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Human Rights Commission
2012 Minutes
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9/21/2012 1:43:30 PM
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9/21/2012 1:43:16 PM
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Roseville Human Rights Commission <br />May 16, 2012 - Minutes <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />The Chair asked for a roll call on the Brisbois /Doneen motion. City Manager Bill Malinen called <br />the roll. Each commissioner present voted in favor of the motion, and consequently it passed <br />unanimously. <br />The Chair asked the two Youth Commissioners present how they would have voted if they had an <br />opportunity to cast a vote. Each said she would have voted for the resolution. <br />Commissioner Groff thanked Chair Grefenberg for his thorough work on this issue over a period of <br />months. <br />Program Planning Committee <br />Committee Chair Doneen said the Program Planning Committee had not met, but she wanted to <br />clarify Councilmember Bob Willmus's comments in her committee's report about the Voter ID <br />Amendment, namely that his concern was that others did not understand that issue to be a human <br />rights issue and if so why. She indicated that she would provide a revision to that report clarifying <br />that at the next Commission meeting. <br />Operations Committee <br />The Operations Committee has had several discussions about the by -laws and plans to bring <br />their recommendations to the June meeting. His unavailability to finalize the report was the reason <br />it was not on the agenda for action. <br />Outreach Committee <br />Commissioner Groff spoke for the Committee that the Outreach Committee is meeting May 24 with <br />neighboring commissions to discuss efforts to coordinate programs. Maplewood would be having <br />one or two events in the fall which it wanted to coordinate with the other commissions. <br />Commissioner Groff briefly described the second elder abuse seminar in Shoreview and reviewed <br />the materials in the packet which identified abuse and vulnerability. <br />Youth Commissioners' Task Force <br />Commissioner Siliciano said the Youth Commissioners were planning to meet on Sunday at noon <br />and were planning on discussing youth engagement activities for the summer. <br />Chair Grefenberg said the Civic Engagement Task Force was holding a wrap -up meeting on May <br />23. <br />League of Minnesota Human Rights Commission (LMHRC) <br />Commissioner Thelma McKenzie said she had spoken with teachers in the Roseville Area Schools <br />about ways to collaborate. She said that four teachers would be getting back to her with ideas for <br />future topics in the essay contest. She encourage the youth commissioners to also come up with <br />ideas for next year's contest. <br />
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