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Joint School Board No. 623/City Council Work Session <br /> Monday,June 26,2012 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Councilmember Pust concurred, noting the need not only to provide walking trails for an active <br /> senior population, and families; but also to provide access for those needing to go to and from <br /> the grocery stores. <br /> Strategic Plans <br /> Chair Gogins recognized the respective strategic plans of the City and District; and sought ad- <br /> ditional areas to help both bodies achieve their plans. <br /> City Manager Malinen noted that the City had provided the City Council's strategic directions, <br /> the document from which City Departments would work from and driving its strategic plan- <br /> ning and budgeting for the next biennial budget (2014/2015), with specific actions to further <br /> them and identify resources during 2013 for that upcoming biennial budget period. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that documents provided also a foundation on which the directive had been <br /> built, with the Mission Statement of the organization and trying to capture community aspira- <br /> tions driving attempted accomplishments and derived from the Imagine Roseville 2025 com- <br /> munity visioning process, the Parks and Recreation Master Plan process; the Comprehensive <br /> Plan update, with those statements and goals from those efforts synthesized. Mayor Roe noted <br /> those community aspirations certainly did not exclude the schools, since there were many areas <br /> of overlap intended to provide a framework for work on specific objectives over the next 2-3 <br /> years. <br /> Chair Gogins stated that, in her review of the City's website, she was impressed with and pre- <br /> viously unaware of the depth of ways the City fostered youth leadership and development; <br /> opining that she had never considered that linkage before. <br /> School Board Member Edstrom addressed the School District's technology needs; and sought <br /> clarification about access throughout and across the community for students and families when <br /> they were at home after school. Ms. Edstrom noted her interest was related to equity, since the <br /> District expected a lot from its students and families related to internet access. <br /> Dr. Thein shared aspects of the District's and City's current partnerships, as well as those an- <br /> ticipated for the future, with and through the City and making a great difference in the reliabil- <br /> ity of the internet system for staff and students. <br /> Dr. Thein further addressed the Board's work on its Mission Statement and values that was <br /> permeating the District from administrators to staff and students, with each holding the other <br /> accountable, and impacting how they treated each other and how they worked together. Dr. <br /> Thein advised that each was working hard to be models for the younger generation. While <br /> recognizing the great work done by the City in their visioning and planning documents, Dr. <br /> Thein clarified that the School District also had a different, student-based focus to provide edu- <br /> cation for all ages. <br />