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Joint School Board No.623/City Council Work Session <br /> Monday,June 26,2012 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Mayor Roe noted the significant number of activities held annually in Central Park, and <br /> suggested this would serve as a great opportunity for these community gatherings to <br /> connect residents with resources, either or both School and City) and provide educa- <br /> tional and/or resource materials in an orderly fashion. Mayor Roe noted the numerous <br /> activities held during the Fourth of July at Central park, and potential for sharing re- <br /> sources between events or concerts, given the number attending those events. Mayor <br /> Roe noted the need to establish some organizational structure to tie into various events. <br /> Dr. Thein noted that the School District could also use a float or other presence in the <br /> annual Rosefest Parade. Dr. Thein noted that there were various staff and community <br /> leaders involved already, but not through any organized effort. <br /> School Board Member Edstrom opined that the Shuttle Bug was a great idea for the pa- <br /> rade. Ms. Edstrom stated that of the list of collaborative efforts already in place, there <br /> were many that she had not been aware of; and appreciated some of the more pro-active <br /> activities. Ms. Edstrom specifically mentioned and expressed appreciation to the Police <br /> Department for their efforts to have lunch with students at various schools. <br /> Councilmember Pust suggested that City and School staff, at a minimum, share and <br /> compare their event and activity calendars to identify areas of potential partnership. <br /> School Board Member Thao concurred, suggesting that they could make themselves <br /> available accordingly; and encouraged making themselves available to the community <br /> and meeting them where they are. <br /> Dr. Thein noted that the City's parks were jewels of Roseville, and a great asset. How- <br /> ever, Dr. Thein noted that a lot of families didn't have access to them or a way to get to <br /> them. Dr. Thein suggested that the School District could work through its transporta- <br /> tion vendor to get people to the park for City-planned activities (e.g. picnic or meals); <br /> and then share programming with families. <br /> Chair Gogins concurred, noting that any obvious barriers for students and families be <br /> removed. <br /> Mayor Roe recognized the work being done by the City's Human Rights Commission, <br /> on which School Board Member Thao serves, through their Civic Engagement Task <br /> Force efforts to connect people with their government. Mayor Roe noted that this could <br /> be expanded to include the City and School District, with liaisons already under discus- <br /> sion; and the need to make those connections not just for the City but as a community <br /> effort. <br /> Councilmember Pust noted the program to electronically connect <br /> neighborhoods in developing their own communications devices, currently modeled af- <br /> ter park constellations, but eventually intended to be developed into smaller subgroups. <br /> Councilmember Pust suggested that this be applied to school lists as well as for their <br />