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Joint School Board No. 623/City Council Work Session <br /> Monday,June 26, 2012 <br /> Page 8 <br /> School Board Member Langston opined that the School Board and City Council have final se- <br /> lection authority of an option; with final decision-making authority. <br /> School Board Member Edstrom questioned whether it should be only the School Board as that <br /> authority, since by including the City of Roseville, it could be perceived to exclude the other <br /> communities that are part of the District. Ms. Edstrom noted that, when originally assessed in <br /> 2005, specific groups looked at each area and held public discussions throughout the communi- <br /> ty before bringing their recommendations forward. <br /> Dr. Thein noted that the City of Roseville retained the final zoning authority as well. Dr. Thein <br /> further noted that it was not the intent to have this task force in a room by themselves during <br /> this process; but to have them out in the community doing outreach and seeking community <br /> consensus on the best use for the property; and his intent to depend on the City's Housing and <br /> Redevelopment Authority to provide guidance and expertise throughout that process, and to be <br /> actively involved. <br /> Councilmember Pust noted that the intent of a scoping document should always engage the <br /> community's input. <br /> Chair Gogins clarified that this was the intent. <br /> School Board Member and City Housing and Redevelopment Authority Member Majerus sug- <br /> gested that the Imagine Roseville 2025 community visioning be used as a template to build up- <br /> on and involve the community. Mr. Majerus suggested that the process be provided by the <br /> City and revisited to review how that entire process came together. <br /> Chair Gogins concurred, and suggested adding a review of that process to the DRAFT docu- <br /> ment. <br /> Mayor Roe recommended that the Parks and Recreation Master Plan be used, as it essentially <br /> built upon the Imagine Roseville 2025 process; and opined that it was the best effort he had ev- <br /> er encountered. <br /> School Board Member Langston suggested using all of those resources, and making it broader <br /> than just using the Housing and Redevelopment Authority(HRA). <br /> Further discussion ensued on the potential make up of the twelve (12) member task force: such <br /> as one City Councilmember from each community in the District; one School Board member; <br /> one Parks and Recreation Commissioner; one HRA member, etc.. <br /> Mayor Roe questioned how many citizens were intended on the task force, opining that the <br /> more the better. <br />