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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 10, 2012 <br /> Page 13 <br /> public relations and exposure for the OVAL and the Roseville community <br /> should be tremendous. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Ms. Wearn reiterated that the Po- <br /> lice and Fire Departments, in their meeting with her today, were confident with <br /> security surrounding the event; and noted that VIP walkie/talkie communication <br /> would be in place throughout the day. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Ms. Wearn expressed her interest <br /> in working with City staff to attempt to make the event as much of a "zero <br /> waste" event as possible. <br /> b. Joint Meeting with the Police Civil Service Commission <br /> Mayor Roe welcomed members of the Commission to the table. Those Com- <br /> missioners present included Mr. Brad VanderVegt and Ms. Zoe Jenkins; with <br /> Commissioner Jenkins noting that Commissioner Don Drackert was unable to <br /> attend tonight's meeting. <br /> Ms. Jenkins reviewed the duties and functions of the. Commission, under MN <br /> Statute 419 and Roseville City Code to provide oversight on the practices of the <br /> City's Police Department, including hiring and promotions. <br /> Ms. Jenkins noted that the hard work done by previous Commissioners in revis- <br /> ing rules and regulations and subsequently adopted by the City Council in Janu- <br /> ary of 2011, in addition to the support of Chief Mathwig and the entire Police <br /> Department, had made the current Commission's work very uncomplicated and <br /> efficient. On behalf of the Commission and herself, Ms. Jenkins commended <br /> the Chief and the entire department for their hard work, and the overall positive <br /> atmosphere of the department and its personnel. As a member of the Park Pa- <br /> trol who was in and out of the Police Department frequently, Ms. Jenkins ex- <br /> pressed her personal observations of the department, opining that "she had nev- <br /> er run into a nicer group of people, who were always friendly and cooperative, <br /> and terrific to work with." Ms. Jenkins attributed that work environment to the <br /> leadership of Chief Mathwig. <br /> As discussed by the Commission, Ms. Jenkins noted that fair policies were cur- <br /> rently in place, creating a very smooth operation; and making for fewer and <br /> shorter meetings for the Commission. Ms. Jenkins opined that this meant things <br /> were going very well, and advised that she and the Commission were very <br /> proud of that. <br /> Ms. Jenkins advised that she had met with City Manager Malinen and Commu- <br /> nications Specialist Carolyn Curti last week; and the Commission was now ap- <br /> prised of the desire for consistency among commissions; and noted that they <br /> were in receipt of Rosenberg's Rules of Order, and they would be distributed to <br /> each Commissioner. <br />