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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 10,2012 <br /> Page 5 <br /> 8. Consider Items Removed from Consent <br /> f. Establish a Public Hearing to Authorize the Sale of$17 Million in Bonds to <br /> Finance the Completion of a new Fire Station and Funding for the Park <br /> Renewal Program <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, City Manager Malinen briefly reviewed the pur- <br /> pose of this requested action simply to establish a Public Hearing, as detailed in <br /> the Request for Council Action dated September 10, 2012. <br /> Councilmember McGehee, recognizing other needs identified in the 2013 budg- <br /> et (e.g. infrastructure, capital improvements), opined that she felt strongly that <br /> the bonding funds may be directed elsewhere or possibly not pursued at this <br /> time. <br /> Willmus moved, McGehee seconded, scheduling a Public Hearing for Septem- <br /> ber 24, 2012 to consider the sale of$17 million in General Obligation Bonds to <br /> finance the completion of a new fire station and to continue funding the Park <br /> Renewal Program. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: McGehee; Willmus; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Mayor Roe reiterated that Action I <br /> terns 12.a b, and c would be taken up before <br /> Y p <br /> presentations to accommodate Councilmember Willmus' need to leave the <br /> meeting as soon as possible, eliminating a quorum present. <br /> 12. Business Items (Action Items) <br /> a. Receive Updated Recommendations from the CIP Subcommittee <br /> Mayor Roe briefly presented Phase II of the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) <br /> Subcommittee, as detailed in the Memorandum dated September 10, 2012 from <br /> the Subcommittee; noting that that the Subcommittee was made up of City <br /> Councilmember Johnson, City Manager Malinen, Finance Director Chris Miller, <br /> and Mayor Roe. Mayor Roe reviewed the purpose of the Subcommittee and <br /> their subsequent recommendations, and the 2013 "bottom line" needs identified <br /> in Page 9 of the report, with those recommendations effectively increasing the <br /> 2013 tax-generated levy in the amount of$185,000 for CIP needs. Mayor Roe <br /> highlighted those CIP needs specifically for street light replacement, currently <br /> unfunded; and Information Technology and voting machine needs. Mayor Roe <br /> reviewed the balance of changes (Chart, page 9) incrementally over the next <br /> eight (8) years at a maximum annual levy increase of$200,000, also requiring <br /> repurposing of levy funding. Mayor Roe advised that the Subcommittee wanted <br />