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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 10, 2012 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Mayor Roe reviewed the rationale for taking these actions all together, for the <br /> specific purpose identified by Councilmember McGehee, to review the overall <br /> picture. Mayor Roe opined that he was confident in the process looking at the <br /> broader situation; and concurred that the body does and should continue to look <br /> at that broad picture. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Finance Director Chris Miller provided a brief <br /> summary of actions detailed the Request for Council Action dated September <br /> 10, 2012; and adoption of three (3) resolution to adopt the Preliminary Budget <br /> and Levy for 2013, and to direct Ramsey County how to adjust the City's debt <br /> service levies in 2013 as changes in interest earnings occurred; with drafts of <br /> those customary resolutions included in the meeting materials. <br /> Mr. Miller noted that the meeting materials included the documents already pre- <br /> sented to the City Council to-date; with additional information previously re- <br /> quested also included (e.g. reserve funds, Ramsey County housing values) and <br /> other materials provided for reference. <br /> Since the August 27, 2012 meeting, Mr. Miller reviewed several changes, in- <br /> cluding a reduction in projected Ramsey County dispatch fees for Police and <br /> Fire calls ($30,000 less than projected) with the 2013 levy reduced accordingly. <br /> Mr. Miller also noted, as Mayor Roe spoke to, the CIP Subcommittee recom- <br /> mendations created an additional $185,000 for 2013 tax-supported funding that <br /> was not reflected in tonight's meeting materials. <br /> Mr. Miller noted that tonight's action was to establish a Preliminary 2013, not- <br /> to-exceed budget; with several additional meetings scheduled for the City <br /> Council to review the 2013 Budget and Levy prior to final adoption in Decem- <br /> ber of 2012. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Miller advised that the not-to-exceed status <br /> was basically just for the Levy, since the City Council has the discretion to <br /> amend its budget at any time during a given year. <br /> Referencing page 1 of the RCA, Councilmember Willmus clarified that the <br /> Fire/Police Dispatch increase had originally been estimated at$66,000. <br /> Councilmember Willmus, referencing page 3 of the memorandum regarding re- <br /> serves (Attachment G), asked if these vehicle/equipment replacement accounts <br /> were not essentially sub-accounts already included in the General Fund.. <br /> Mr. Miller responded negatively, that they were separate funds outside the Gen- <br /> eral Fund; but clarified that they were not Enterprise Funds. <br />