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New or <br />Action Responsible Timeline Budget Implications Sources of Funds Outcome Financial Needs <br />Existing <br />Attachment B <br />1.Foster, promote, and effectively communicate the advantages of l 5 2016 <br /> <br />A. Increase the use of HRAs financial resources, <br />housing programs and HRC Center services by <br />residents, property owners, and others. <br />HRC Existing Ongoing $15,000 Levy Revolving loan 15,000 <br />Construction Services <br /> <br />HRC Ongoing Loan pool of $424,800 <br />Rehab loans (3-5 a year) <br /> <br /> receivables $425,000 Home <br /> <br />HRC Upon loan closing Budget $4,800 2012 Improvement <br />Loan closing costs/fees <br /> <br />Staff General overall marketing Levy 12,500 <br />General marketing <br /> <br />and operations <br />B. Continue to position the HRA as a leader in Staff Existing Ongoing Staff time <br />providing education and information about Participation in NAHRO, <br />resources that support sustainable life styles. SLUC, ULI and others <br />C. When marketing the City, highlight advantages Staff/Consultant Existing Ongoing $30,000 Levy 30,000 <br />for changing demographics. <br />D. Produce events such as the Living Smarter Staff/partners Existing Yearly $29,128-2012 Costs Levy Fees 9,752.96 <br />Home and Garden Fair, workshops, and create $22,272-2011 Income <br />partnership that encourage environmental <br />stewardship when creating and/or remodeling <br />housing stock and when developing <br />neighborhoods. <br />E. Create programs and resources that help NEC/Staff Existing Ongoing $12,000 for Energy Audits Levy 12,000 <br />residents incorporate healthy building techniques. <br />F. Expand the HRAs presence in social media and Staff/Consultant Existing Ongoing Part of $30,000 budget <br />Web-based services. <br />G. Promote innovative housing developments to Staff New Ongoing Part of 2. <br />foster neighborhood-level places that maximize the <br />sense of community <br />2.Create and maintain high quality, sustainable multi-family housi <br /> <br />A. Increase alternative housing options and flexible Developer/Staff New 2012-2018 Part of 2 d. <br />designs to support both changing demographics Project specific <br />and long term uses. <br />B. Provide financial resources to preserve and Developer/Staff Existing Ongoing Part of 2 d. and 2 e. Levy State, County, Met 175,000 <br />develop new housing in partnership with non-profit Council, Federal Reserve <br />community groups, private sector development 724 acct <br />partners, and federal, state, and regional agencies. <br />C. Create walkability and pedestrian connectivity in Met Council <br />all redevelopment plans the HRA participates in. Developer/Staff New Ongoing Project specific County Funds <br />D. Provide leadership in assembling sites and/or <br />providing financial assistance for the development <br />of intergenerational housing. <br />Staff New 2012-2014 $686,000 acct 724 724 <br />Dale Street Station <br /> <br />Developer/Staff 2013-2015 Unknown $239,600 accts 720/721 <br />Good Samaritan <br /> <br /> Bonding <br /> <br />Staff 2014-2016 2.4 Million Levy Bond/Payment options <br />Owasso School <br /> <br />E. Continue to provide resources that support Staff Existing Ongoing Part of 2 b. $239,600 accts 720/721 <br />affordable housing options in the community. State, Cty & Met Council <br />F. Identify preferred redevelopment sites and Staff New 1 per year Part of 2 d. <br />increase partnership so that HRA has a <br />development in the worksŽ at all times. <br />3.Create and maintain high-quality, sustainable single-family housing options. <br /> <br /> <br />A. Increase resources to renovate, redevelop, Staff New 2013 forward Existing fund balance of Revolving Loan Funds <br />and/or undertake infill projects. $424,800 <br />B. Maintain and encourage a mix of housing types Staff New 2-3 Homes a year $200,000 Levy CDBG Funds 200,000 <br />in each neighborhood by directly purchasing <br />available properties for demolition and supporting <br />new home construction. <br />C. Ensure availability of appropriate resources to HRC Existing w/ Ongoing Existing fund balance of Revolving Loan Funds <br />rehabilitate and upgrade existing housing stock for possible pro- $424,800 <br />changing demographics. gram change <br />4.Prevent and eliminate blight on individual properties, neighborhoods and the entire community. <br /> <br /> <br />A. Identify properties that are underutilized, Staff/Code Officials New 1 a year Condemnation, Licensing, Levy <br />deteriorated, or blighted and use available tools Regulations <br />(such as condemnation, licensing and/or <br />regulations) to revitalize or redevelop. <br />B. Utilize funding tools such as HIAs, Conduit Debt Staff Existing Ongoing review HIAs, Conduit Debt HIAs, Conduit Debt <br />Financing, and Bonding to be used to promote the Financing and Bonding Financing <br />improvement of housing and redevelopment sites. <br />C. Continue to provide resources to maintain Staff Existing 6 mo. each year $26,690- 2012 Levy 28,730 <br />proactive code enforcement policies to prevent Account 722 for abatement Revolving funds <br />nuisance properties from negatively impacting <br />surrounding properties. <br />D. Continue to explore, in partnership with the Staff/Consultant New Start 2013 Fee based program Fee based <br />City, further regulation (such as licensing) of rental Code Officials, Police annually <br />units within the City and develop a better <br />understanding of the resources needed. <br />E. Identify at-risk neighborhoods and create Staff New Start 2013 Southeast Roseville Levy County and State Funds <br />partnerships to strengthen them. continuing Neighborhood integration <br />5.Retain and attract desirable housing and businesses that lead to employment, investment, and commitment to the community. <br /> <br /> <br />A. Engage the community in developing objectives Consultant/Staff New 2013 Planning process Levy 30,000 <br />that articulate business develop priorities. <br />B. Support the creation of redevelopment plans for Staff/Planners/ New Ongoing Review previous corridor Met Council Planning <br />areas and corridors that would benefit from Consultant plans for use and Grants <br />reinvestment and revitalization. implementation <br />C. Use Public-Private partnerships to encourage Staff/Developer/OwNew 2014 ongoing Loan program outcome Levy Clean-up grants <br />reinvestment, revitalization, and redevelopment of ners from outreach process <br />retail, office, and employment districts. <br />D. Create strong relationships with existing and Staff/Mayor/ New Ongoing Need to develop outreach Levy 10,000 <br />prospective businesses to understand their needs Consultant and meeting process <br />and to maximize opportunities for business <br />retention, growth, and development. <br />E. Develop programs for businesses that Staff/HRC New 2013 Levy 10 loans per <br />encourage people to live within the community. year for <br />live/work. <br />F. Incentivize environmental stewardship of Staff/Xcel New 2013 ongoing Audit/resource Levy <br /> <br />commercial development. program/loan program Levy <br />4 loans per <br />G. Partner w/ City Council to pro-vide financial Staff New Ongoing Meet with council quarterly <br />year <br />resources to facilitate community economic to discuss objectives. <br />development & redevelopment objectives. <br />6.Provide the necessary staff support & resources to work with partners to ensure goals & objectives of strategic plan are accomplished in a timely manner. <br /> <br /> <br />A. Review current HRA staff levels and provide any CDD/Program Existing Ongoing Increase in staff $50000-Levy 162,506 <br />additional support needed to ensure Man./Debt Assistant $60000 <br />implementation of the Strategic Plan. Secretary <br />Attorney Increase fee to $15,000 15,000 <br />B. Explore and evaluate financial resources Staff New and Ongoing Staff time Levy Met Council Funds, <br />available to support the implementation of the Existing Excess TIF districts <br />Strategic Plan. <br />C. Actively promote education, growth, and Staff Existing Ongoing 3,225 <br />advancement of staff, board members, and <br />community members. <br />D. Provide Quarterly Progress Report to the HRA Ongoing Staff time <br />board of all HRAs funding sources, grant programs, Staff Existing <br />and overall operations. <br />E. Conduct an annual review with the City Council Staff/consultant Existing Yearly meetings Update in 2016 Levy Other programs that <br />of the HRAs strategic plan and budget. A new with Council qualify for action <br />strategic plan will be developed every four years. <br />F. Seek & nurture partnership w/ police & fire Staff Existing Ongoing Staff time. Some new <br />departments, neighboring cities, school districts, programming will require <br />non-profits, and consumers to improve overall additional staff time. <br />quality of life in the City. <br />Subtotal 808471 <br />Reserves for cash flow +69777 <br />Income from Cash Carryover, Investment Income and H&G Fees -110000 <br /> <br />Total Levied 698471 <br /> <br />