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CHAPTER 8 <br />FINDINGS AND RECQMMENDATIONS <br />The distrib�tion of petroleum products and natura! gas is a fact and necessity of <br />modem life. The Task Force recognizes that these products by their very nature have <br />the poteniial of creating a serious threat to pubiic safety. <br />Recognizing #he hisforical development of the system and that Roseville, with its 1940- <br />1960 growth pattern, simply grew around and over the current system during a period <br />of time when many of the reguiations and safety guidelines were far iess stringent or <br />simply did not exist; there is no question that if this distribution system was being built <br />today, ii would be built differently. However, programs and regulations for inspecting, <br />testing and maintaining pipelines and pipeline terminals are now in place to ensure that <br />these facilities continue to operate reliably for years to come. <br />It was the charge of the Tas�c Force to review the system from a historica! perspective, <br />to ascertain who is involved in managing the system, who regukates it, what the <br />regulations are, who inspects the system and what contingency plans exist in the event <br />of an incident that could be a threat to public safety and the enviror�ment. <br />A general cor�clusion of the Task Force is that: significant effort is being made to <br />properly manage the system; that the safe operation of the system is a major concem <br />of those in charge; that current operators are subject to considerable regulation by the <br />federal and s#ate govemments; that, on the whole, extensive contingency plans exist <br />and that all units involved in impfementing such plans are in communication with each <br />other and are reviewi�g and updating the plans on an ongoing basis. <br />With that said, t�e Task Force oi�ers the following Findir�gs and Recommendations. <br />We believe the City should use the Findings and Recommendations to develop <br />strategies and effecf change to rectify and improve the deficiencies and areas in need <br />of attention that were identified as a resul# of our work. <br />Finding{s) <br />♦ Williams Pipe Line Company has provided the City with 3 educational video <br />tapes; �iet. Steei, Safety - The Riaht Decision, and Tree Clearing_ <br />Recommendation <br />1.� The City of RosevilEe sho�ld show the three video tapes regularly on the <br />City's N channel. The City should also encourage Williams Pipe Line <br />Company to make the three tapes available to the County Library in <br />Roseville. <br />8-1 <br />