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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
10/19/2012 11:16:43 AM
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10/19/2012 11:16:38 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 24, 2012 <br /> Page 11 <br /> property tax increases. Mr. Torgerson advised that he was currently in the pro- <br /> cess of putting his home up for sale due to ever-increasing property taxes over <br /> the last 3-4 years. Mr. Torgerson referenced the Vadnais Heights Sports Center <br /> project bonding and current status of that project; and asked that the City Coun- <br /> cil consider that in their thought process. Mr. Torgerson asked that, now that <br /> costs are in, the specific allocation for the fire station and parks; with a letter <br /> sent to each Roseville resident with those numbers and new taxes created by a <br /> bond issue; and seeking their individual responses as to whether they are inter- <br /> ested in proceeding or not. Mr. Torgerson stated that this would allow the entire <br /> community, not just a City Council majority, to have a choice in the matter. Mr. <br /> Torgerson opined that another letter should be sent the following year; and sug- <br /> gested that any bond sale be delayed. While the fire station could have been de- <br /> layed in the past as well, but was now being pushed through, Mr. Torgerson <br /> questioned the need for such an elaborate fire station rather than one that would <br /> be sufficient and show the City Council as fiscally responsible. Mr. Torgerson <br /> referenced a current City Councilmember who ran a campaign on fiscal respon- <br /> sibility, opining that this action did not represent that. <br /> Robert Delao,280 Minnesota Avenue <br /> Mr. Delao referenced a letter from the City to residents last year that stated, due <br /> to mismanagement of its water system and lack of maintenance, residents would <br /> experience a 60% increase in their water bills to correct that. Mr. Delao noted <br /> that, now the City says that due to mismanagement of them, parks are deterio- <br /> rating due to running out of money. Mr. Delao questioned where that money <br /> had gone; and questioned how the City intended to maintain new facilities and <br /> parks when it could not maintain the current ones. Mr. Delao took issue with <br /> the City shoving the "Port Authority" down taxpayers' throats as an excuse to <br /> bypass public input; and took further issue in pushing it ahead even sooner. Mr. <br /> Delao provided his perspective on the impact of increased taxes and water rates, <br /> with his property value continuing to drop. Mr. Delao opined that cities, coun- <br /> ties, and states and the entire country were in deep financial trouble, while the <br /> City Council continued to spend money like drunken sailors. Mr. Delao sug- <br /> gested that the City dispose of infrastructure if it couldn't maintain it; and ques- <br /> tioned if the intent of the bond sale was for park maintenance or expansion. Mr. <br /> Delao opined that people not responsible for maintenance or for doing their job <br /> should resign and those responsible for spending this money needed to be fired. <br /> Tim Callaghan,3062 Shorewood Lane <br /> Mr. Callaghan noted that the City used to have three (3) fire stations with a rap- <br /> id response time for the fire department. Mr. Callaghan questioned the current <br /> response time; and opined that by now having only one (1) luxury fire station, it <br /> would reduce response time; and opined that this seemed unreasonable. Re- <br /> garding the park system, Mr. Callaghan referenced community surveys and res- <br /> ident support for trails; with the apparent response of the City to rebuild build- <br /> ings, add new fields and playground equipment, which was not what the com- <br />
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