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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,November 19, 2012 <br /> Page 11 <br /> that amount. Mr. Miller advised that staff recommended that the fee remain at <br /> $7,000 unless otherwise directed by the City Council. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Miller clarified that, since this was the 2013 <br /> fee schedule, if the City Council chose to take action on 2012 fees, it could do <br /> so as a separate action. <br /> Discussion included proximity to year-end for 2012 licenses and pro-rating li- <br /> censes as per standard procedure on fees; clarification that to-date, Pour Deci- <br /> sions was not doing liquor operations and their fee remained unpaid, pending <br /> clarification by the City Council, with Pour Decisions alleging that the license <br /> fee was prohibitive to their doing business. <br /> Councilmember McGehee read a section of State Statute related to brewery lan- <br /> guage and number of barrels produced; Mayor Roe added that Subd. 6 of State <br /> Statute specific to tap room licenses; and stipulation between State and City fees <br /> and their relationship to on-sale categories. <br /> Further discussion ensued regarding the unique license category created for tap <br /> rooms and applicable fees; comparables for tap room licenses and whether or <br /> not to base them on the number of seats available, similar to on-sale wine li- <br /> censes; with Mayor Roe recommending that the license fees be disconnected <br /> from the seating since the number of seats was specific in state statute for wine <br /> licenses,but not necessarily brewery tap license fees. <br /> Additional discussion included hours of operation and traffic generation; Pour <br /> Decisions specifics versus future license holders for similar operations. <br /> Councilmember Willmus sought clarification on other areas of the fee schedule <br /> brought to his attention by the public, including the proposed seasonal pool fee, <br /> and public concerns that this may apply for setting up a kiddie pool for birthday <br /> parties, as an example. <br /> Mr. Miller clarified that the fee applied to a pool larger than 3,000 gallon capac- <br /> ity or forty-two (42) inches in depth. <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned the fees for window replacement, won- <br /> dering if this fee was per project or per window (page 14). <br /> Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon advised that he needed to <br /> research that before responding; however, his perception was that it was a min- <br /> imum fee per project. Mr. Trudgeon advised that he would provide a response <br /> to the City Council at a future time. <br />