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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,November 19, 2012 <br /> Page 18 <br /> City Manager Malinen advised that the City Council could direct that revenues <br /> received from all residential customers, both single-family and apartments, be <br /> returned; however, he noted that this would leave the City and that Recycling <br /> Fund more vulnerable to future declining revenues (e.g. SCORE grant funds). <br /> City Manager Malinen cautioned that a bigger concern was if the City became <br /> heavily reliant on revenue sharing, currently being received from Eureka Recy- <br /> cling, if that goes away again as experienced in the past, the City would become <br /> more vulnerable and susceptible in the future. <br /> Councilmember Willmus advised that, at the core of his question, was his ob- <br /> servation that even with revenue sharing, Roseville households were paying <br /> comparable to recycling rates in other communities without revenue sharing. <br /> Finance Director Miller, with respect to other communities, a comparison would <br /> need to include their cost structure and direct and indirect costs; and offered to <br /> look into that in more depth at the City Council's direction. <br /> Mayor Roe recognized Recycling Coordinator Tim Pratt. <br /> Mr. Pratt offered to provide comparison rates as provided by Ramsey County <br /> for residential recycling; and stated that Roseville residents continued to pay the <br /> lowest rates in Ramsey County, $6.10 per household per quarter. <br /> Councilmember Willmus questioned the rationale in evaluating the merits of a <br /> contractor shown who offered revenue sharing versus those who do not offer it, <br /> if the pretense was that revenue sharing would be used to help subsidize recy- <br /> cling rates paid by households. <br /> Mr. Pratt, while not aware of the source of Councilmember Willmus' data, ad- <br /> vised that in conversations with recycling coordinator peers, the City of Rose- <br /> ville's rate remained lower than those with open collection. <br /> Councilmember Willmus questioned why revenue sharing was not used to sub- <br /> sidize rates. <br /> Finance Director Miller clarified that those funds were used and included in <br /> projected costs. While recognizing that it was not an exact science, Mr. Miller <br /> advised that the$21,000 was projected as an operating surplus in 2012. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Miller advised that the annual budget aver- <br /> aged $500,000 in 2012. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that, unless she was unaware of something, <br /> the City was currently falling short by approximately $1.5 million short of its <br />