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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, November 19,2012 <br /> Page 23 <br /> Councilmember Johnson concurred; and thanked his fellow Subcommittee <br /> members for their fine contributions to what he considered a great effort in the <br /> right direction to keep the City on track over the long term. Councilmember <br /> Johnson opined that it had been a privilege to work with each of the Subcom- <br /> mittee members; and that there had been good feedback to-date from the public; <br /> and expressed appreciation to the full body for their buy-in with CIP Subcom- <br /> mittee recommendations. <br /> Going forward, Councilmember McGehee questioned if it would be possible to <br /> have a look ahead, because the public had brought to her attention, to be sure <br /> that when major vehicles were replaced (e.g. fire trucks) those allotted budget <br /> funds would not simply piggyback on what was set aside for those expenditures. <br /> She requested some assurance that there would be a mechanism in place to keep <br /> that from happening. Councilmember McGehee suggested that those funds <br /> used for major equipment be used to reduce other financial impacts.6 <br /> Also, Councilmember McGehee requested that rather than laying all expendi- <br /> tures for water, sewer, storm water on fees to be paid by residents, that consid- <br /> eration be given to bonding for those expenditures, similar to practice by other <br /> communities. Councilmember McGehee opined that this would relieve some of <br /> the burden on residents; noting that the City of Roseville's fee for basic water <br /> hook up was extremely high compared with other cities. While in overall <br /> agreement with the CIP, Councilmember McGehee suggested that some of the <br /> burden be shifted from individual residences; and to encourage conservation ef- <br /> forts. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that, if there was no plan to purchase another major vehi- <br /> cle, there would be no need to set aside that money. However, Mayor Roe not- <br /> ed that vehicles would continue to need replacement unless restructuring de- <br /> partments or reducing the amount of apparatus needed to serve the public was <br /> done, the intent was that those needs would be handled through the CIP policy. <br /> Mayor Roe emphasized that the purpose of an annual set aside for CIP needs <br /> was intended to stabilize annual needs versus levy increase spikes. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the increase in water and sewer fees had been a policy <br /> decision of the City Council majority; and whether or not that rate structure <br /> changed would be up to future City Councils. Therefore, Mayor Roe advised <br /> that he would not be willing to memorialize such a stipulation in this proposed <br /> action. <br /> In response to Councilmember McGehee's concern with water, sewer and storm <br /> water needs as part of the CIP process, Councilmember Johnson and Mayor Roe <br /> advised that those needs were taken into account working within the structures <br /> given. <br />